Tajiri Intersects 2m @ 9.6g/t; 2m @ 9.0g/t; & 2m @ 8.0 g/t Au in Trenching Along Strike from Previously Announced 2m @ 61.8g/t
VANCOUVER, BC, May 13, 2021 /CNW/ - Tajiri Resources Corp. (the "Company") (TSXV: TAJ) is pleased to announce continued excellence in the results from trench sampling at the Epeius Project Guyana, South America where trenching is investigating an area broadly on strike from ASX listed Troy Resource's Limited's Goldstar Prospect located on the southern boundary of the Project (Figure 1).
The area of investigation is resolving into three zones of mineralization:
- A high-grade zone: The Magic Crack Zone (or the "MCZ") which is associated with the contact of variably graphitic sediments and mafic volcanics where trenching to date has returned 2m @ 61.8 g/t Au, 1m @ 16.2g/t Au, 2m @ 9.2 Au, 2m @ 9.6g/t Au, 1m @ 4.2g/t Au and 6m @ 3.5g/t including 2m @ 8.0g/t Au over a strike length of 500m
- A low-grade zone: The Pretty Ordinary Zone (or the "POZ") which is associated with a series of small felsic and microdioritic/doleritic intrusives that presents as zones 2-20m wide variably grading between 0.1 and 0.8g/t Au with rare values >1.0g/t, along with two better intersections near the MCZ of 12m @ 2.8g/t and 9m @ 0.9g/t including 5m @ 1.5g/t. This mineralization is associated with flat to shallow dipping quartz vein sets or in the better mineralized intervals with stockwork veining in or at the margins of the intrusive. Thus, the POZ may show considerable vertical grade variation related to density of horizontal vein sets and will require drill testing.
- The newly discovered on strike extensions of Troy Resources Goldstar Prospect: The Goldstar Extended Zone (or the "GETZ") which was intersected in Trench 13 and returned 12m@ 0.6g/t including 3m @ 1.0g/t and 13m@ 0.5g/t including 6m @ 1.0g/t Au. These intersections are located 880m to the northwest of and directly on strike from Goldstar where Troy has now commenced trial mining. The two zones are separated by approximately 35m across strike. Investigation of the strike continuity between Goldstar and the GEEZ will require drilling as the entirety of the strike of the GETZ between Trench 13 and Goldstar is covered by alluvium most of which has been heavily worked by artisanal miners.
The high-grade intersections of 2m @ 9.6g/t and 2m @ 9.0g/t extend mineralization as reported March 10th, 2021 of 2m @ 61.8 g/t Au and 1m @ 16.2g/t Au to a strike length of ~ 60m with the two zones situated 11m apart across strike. These results produce a coherent zone of 3.5m width averaging 25g/t Au contained within an 11m wide interval of at least 60m strike. Apart from two other trenches TR1G and TR1J additional trenching along strike to the NW was unable to track the zone due to either alluvium in a gully floor where Trenches 1-C &D were located or a lateritic duricrust, which was too deep (>5m) and hard to penetrate by mechanical trenching. The lateritic duricrust is part of a Permian aged erosion bevel that has been mapped in the region and represents an ancient peneplane which is likely composed of transported material.
Of the two trenches which effectively tested the on-strike extensions of the MCZ, Trench 1J intersected 6m @ 3.5g/t including 2m @ 8.0g/t and 1m @ 4.2g/t Au. 500m to the northwest of the Trench 1A intersections of 2m @ 61.8g/t and 1m 16.2g/t Au, and Trench 1G which tested the MCZ ~200m to the NW of the Trench 1 A intersections visually intersected mineralized material which produced considerable fine gold from panning but no significant fire assay values. The company is currently resampling Trench 1G and re-assaying existing visually mineralized samples and results will be released when available.
As reported previously the MCZ contact zone continues to the SE and although only low grade mineralization has been intersected to date it is nonetheless persistent in the 0.5-2.0g/t range over a width of 2-4 metres.
Figure 1 shows the location of the Epieus project and Figure 2 shows all above discussed mineralized zones and trenched intersections.
Executive Chairman Dominic O'Sullivan commented: "I am well pleased with the results generated at Epeius to date and think investors could agree with me that we now have a very good chance of generating at least a modest shallow high-grade resource at the MCZ. I also have confidence that we will be able to extend the high-grade MCZ further along strike to the NW as Troy Resources recently announced RC drill intersections of 11m @ 1.9g/t and 6m @ 7.2g/t Au from the same sediment/volcanic contact which hosts the MCZ, 1800m to the NW of Trench 1J (see Figure 1). I look forward to drilling the MCZ and exploring options to bring it into production, if warranted, after completion of the acquisition of the Epeius Project."
Qualified Person
The Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects for this news release is Dominic O'Sullivan a geologist, member of the AusIMM, Executive Chairman of Tajiri and who has reviewed and approved its contents. Assays were conducted as 30-gram fire assays on 1 or 2m composite horizontal channel samples of trench walls at ISO 9001 certified Actlabs Guyana, located at 27/28 Industrial Area, Beterverwagting, Georgetown Guyana a subsidiary of Activation laboratories Limited: https://actlabs.com
On Behalf of the Board,
Tajiri Resources Corp.
Graham Keevil,
President & CEO
About Tajiri
Tajiri Resources Corp. is a junior gold exploration and development Company with exploration assets located in two of the worlds least explored and highly prospective greenstone belts of Burkina Faso, West Africa and Guyana, South America. Lead by a team of industry professionals with a combined 100 plus years' experience the Company continues to generate shareholder value through exploration.
This news release may contain forward-looking statements based on assumptions and judgments of management regarding future events or results. Such statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties which could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those reflected in the forward-looking statements. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to revise or update such statements.
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
For results of GCRC083 see: announcement by Troy Resources Ltd: Further High-Grade Drilling Results at Karouni Gold Project, 18th March 2021. http://clients2.weblink.com.au/news/pdf_1%5C02355082.pdf.
Map of Troy's Goldstar Prospect is sourced from their announcement: Exploration Update, Karouni Project, 4th Jan 2021. http://clients2.weblink.com.au/news/pdf_1%5C02327864.pdf
SOURCE Tajiri Resources Corp.

Contact Information: Tajiri Resources Corp., Graham Keevil, President, CEO, 604-642-0115 or Toll Free 866-345-0115, 604-642-0116 (FAX), [email protected] www.tajirigold.com
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