Scale, grade and continuity of anomaly on par with saprolite gold anomalies known to overlie other ~ 2–7million-ounce Birimian gold deposits.
K4 South is demonstrably a rare poly-folded gold system of similar scale to the only other known poly-folded Birimian gold deposit – The 13 Million Ounce Wassa Mine, Ghana.
The Company has also prepared a detailed presentation of results and maps/figures to accompany this release and encourages readers to view it (Here) (copy paste link)
VANCOUVER, BC, Oct. 26, 2022 /CNW/ - Tajiri Resources Corp. (the "Company") (TSXV: TAJ) is delighted to report power auger drilling at the K4 South Prospect, Reo Project, Burkina Faso has discovered, an in-situ, top metre of saprolite, gold anomaly that has all the hallmarks of an anomaly overlying a potentially large world class gold deposit.
K4 South, located at the southern end of the Company's 1,200 km2 Reo Project in west-central Burkina Faso (Figure 1) is one of an extensive cluster of prospects that were investigated by an ~ 18,000m auger drilling program conducted by the Company between November 2020 and May 20211. Technical details of the program are given in the Appendix, but in brief the auger drilling sampled the top metre of saprolite, below a variable cover of in situ and transported lateritic soils and has thus delineated bed rock/in-situ gold anomalism.
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Release of results of these drilling results were delayed until the Company received renewed tenure overlying K4 South (see press release dated October 4, 2022.) |
Key results of the auger drilling program at K4 South and interpretation of the same based on existing extensive data sets are as follows:
- K4 South presents as an extensive area of high tenor gold in saprolite anomalism (Figure 2) which has returned multiple +100ppb Au and numerous +250ppb and 500ppb Au results within an envelope spanning ~1700m x 1000m. The peak gold value returned was 9,201ppb Au (9.2g/t Au)
- In all key aspects of grade, size and continuity- the K4 South gold anomaly is on par with other in-situ saprolite gold anomalies that were initially delineated over what turned into multimillion ounce West African gold deposits such as M1 South, Namdini, and Banken NE (Figures 3-6 and Table 1 )
- The central third of the K4 South Anomaly is situated within and around an extensive area (700 x 450m) of artisanal workings (Figure 7) which not only demonstrate that the anomaly is under sampled to the east (Figure 10) and has excellent potential to expand, but critically the form of the workings outline a self-evidently a poly folded gold system (Figures 7- 10) with last generation F3 fold axial traces striking 015°-020°.
- Re-processed airborne magnetic data from a 100 metre line spaced survey flown in 2010 and a 3D inversion of a 2013 IP/resistivity survey and trends visible in high resolution satellite DEM imagery all support K4 South being a a poly-folded gold system (Figures 12, 13 & 5) with at least two phases of folding and likely three.
- The shape of the K4 South auger anomaly which was interpolated by following lithological contacts interpreted from magnetic and IP data also shows a poly-folded form ( Figures 5 & 10)
- In addition, along a broadly NNE striking 100km x 20km belt centred on K4 South almost every artisanal working visible in satellite imagery demonstrates a form that is controlled by the interplay between F2 and F3 fold generations examples given in Figures 16A & B). This district level similarity of gold mineralisation style along with all other data makes the interpretation of K4 South as a poly-folded gold system almost indisputable.
- Historic drilling of the K4 South gold anomaly and associated artisanal workings is now seen to have been mostly ineffective with drilling confined to the periphery of the anomaly and being poorly oriented to test the poly-folded mineralisation. Nonetheless, historic drilling returned a few notable intercepts such as 4m @ 8.5g/t, 10m @ 3.5g/t and 36m @ 1.3g/t Au that at least demonstrate that K4 South hosts economic grades of gold mineralisation.
- The implications of K4 South being a poly-folded gold system are far reaching and extremely positive.
- Poly folded deposits are in general rare with the Wassa deposit located in southern Ghana being the singular, other example known from the West African Craton.
- Globally poly-folded gold deposits though rare tend to be large to immense e.g., Homestake ~62Moz, Telfer ~56Moz, Kibali ~23Moz, Wassa 13Moz, & Haverion 9.4Moz.
- At Wassa, the best empirical comparative because it occurs within the same geological terrane, gold mineralisation has been dated to have first been hydrothermally emplaced at the earliest phase of the Eburnean orogeny- the Eoeburnean and was thus subsequently affected all following phases of the Eburnean deformation event resulting in its poly-folded form.
- Other West African deposits interpreted to be of Eoeburnean age and though shear hosted with some a fold influence, are the big ones Obuasi, (49-80Moz (depending on whose estimate)) Bogoso-Prestea (17M Oz) and Ahafo (15M Oz).
- While we do not know the age of mineralisation at K4 South, given mineralisation has been affected by at least 2, likely 3 phases of Eburnean deformation it is probably of similar early Eoeburnean age to Wassa and thus dates from the time of the most prolific gold deposition event in the West African Craton.
- At Wassa, high grade mineralisation is concentrated in tight F3 isoclinal folds and to a lesser extent other F1 and F2 closures. Folds often have extenuated limbs that exhibit weak and narrow <10m gold mineralisation, whereas mineralisation in fold closures is >3.0g/t, tends to be or in excess of 25-30m thickness, has dip extents of ~150-200m, and enormous contiguous down plunge extents that exceed at least 2,000m.
- Assuming mineralisation at K4 South follows a similar "blueprint" to that of Wassa, one might expect that much mineralisation at K4 South will have been missed in areas outside and some inside, the close spaced 25 x 25m auger grid that was used in the central part of K4 South (diagonals on a 25m square grid are 36m across).
- Using the Wassa blueprint, better auger results, combined with magnetics and interpreted mineralised outlines from artisanal workings give us several potential high-grade shoots, hosted in fold closures which are ready to be drilled:
- a) the 9.2g/t F3 nugget pit area (Figure 7),
- b) Those shown in Figure 14
- c) The area around the 36m @ 1.3g/t drill intersection (see Figure 11)
- d) The 250m strike length ~ 50m wide zone of >500ppb Au auger values with a peak value of 2,263ppb Au located at the southern end of K4 South (Figure 2).
- Given the style of mineralisation at Wassa, with the bulk of gold ounces being carried by small, high grade, fold hosted shoots, Wassa packs a lot of ounces into a small surface footprint of only 1,200 x 700m, yet has a net endowment of 13 Million ounces in an area of similar size to mineralisation outlined by both auger anomalism and artisanal workings at K4 South (Figure 17)
In summary the implication of K4 South being of similar size, poly-folded form and potential age to the 13 Moz Wassa deposit are extremely positive and K4 South clearly has superlative potential to host a substantial gold discovery.
"I'm pretty sure we have a monster on our hands. K4 South is our first reported prospect investigated in our 2020-2021 auger drilling campaign and it is just one of several prospects that are likely cojoined within a very large poly-deformed gold system. We look forward to describing results from the other prospects to you shortly.
In our collectively >100 year careers in gold exploration and mining, this is by far and away the most tantalisingly exciting discovery we have made. While it was frustrating to await renewal of tenure it has been worth the wait. The results and the visuals presented here speak for themselves."
The Company also wishes to report that it has adopted, and the TSX Venture Exchange has approved a fixed stock option plan that will allow the Company to grant up to 12,575,661 to Employees, Directors and Consultants at a price not less than the discounted market price of the Company's securities at the date of grant. This will be the only option plan in effect until the Company obtains approval from shareholders of any additional plan through regular proxy voting.
The Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects for this news release is Dominic O'Sullivan a geologist, member of the AusIMM, Executive Chairman of Tajiri who has reviewed and approved its contents.
On Behalf of the Board,
Tajiri Resources Corp.
Graham Keevil,
President & CEO
Tajiri Resources Corp. is a junior gold exploration and development Company with exploration assets located in two of the worlds least explored and highly prolific greenstone belts of Burkina Faso, West Africa and Guyana, South America. Lead by a team of industry professionals with a combined 100 plus years' experience the Company continues to generate shareholder value through exploration.
Table 1 Comparing areas of saprolite auger defined anomalism at various gold cut-offs as reported for other Brimian Gold Deposits. Where data is not reported other companies have not reported results for that cut-off grade.
Anomaly |
K4 South |
Namdini (Shandong |
Bankan Predictive |
Sanbrado M1 South West |
Sanbrado less M1 West |
Wassa |
Endowment |
? |
7.2Moz @ |
3.9Moz @ |
1.8Moz @ |
3.3Moz @ |
13Moz |
Area m2 |
Area m2 |
Area m2 |
Area m2 |
Area m2 |
Area m2 |
12ppb |
2,456,000 |
658,700 |
740,300 |
2,359,700 |
25ppb |
1,601,000 |
488,419 |
4,557,000 |
50ppb |
1,205,000 |
298,252 |
80ppb |
611,200 |
151,200 |
748,800 |
100ppb |
521,900 |
197,563 |
497,263 |
160ppb |
257,100 |
49,790 |
297,400 |
250ppb |
157,100 |
220,183 |
500ppb |
82,230 |
105,100 |
8,750 |
47,670 |
Drilled |
214,300 |
Results reported today are from a program of ~ 18,000 metres completed in 4,125 auger drillholes drilled between November 2020 and May 2021 at the K4-K5 Prospect. Auger drilling was conducted to infill historic 400 x 100m spaced saprolite auger sampling at varying infill grids; predominantly 200 x 50m regionally and 100 x 25m and 25 x 25m over the K4 South Target. Regional 200 x 50m lines were oriented NW-SE while the 100 x 25m and 25 x 25m auger grids were oriented E-W.
Drilling with hollow stem power auger was conducted and supervised by Sahara Natural Resources and whole samples of 1-4kg were assayed by 50 gram fire assay with a DIBK extraction at SGS laboratories, Ougadougo, Burkina Faso along with standards, blanks and duplicates making up 10% of the assayed samples. Assay sensitivity was 1 ppb Au.
The top metre of textured saprolite was sampled and auger drill holes ranged from 3 to 29m in depth. As saprolite was sampled by our auger program and lateral chemical dispersion of gold in saprolite in the Sahel region of West Africa appears to be minor, detected gold anomalism should be in-situ as confirmed in places by underlying historic RAB and RC drill results.
All samples will be subject to multielement analysis by XRF to allow identification of elements consanguineous with gold mineralisation and the discrimination of lithologies by major and minor element associations.
K4 South is hosted by a package of siliciclastic and volcanoclastic sediments, volcanics intruded by co-sanguineous diorite and granodiorite sills. Volcanics are mostly dacites to andesites with lessor basalts and rare rhyolite. However, due to previous wide spaced historic drilling and lack of outcrop a detailed lithological model for K4 South has not yet been constructed, and though we have analysed all historic multielement data to discriminate lithologies – given the now known poly-folded geology correlation of wide spaced samples is not
For Wassa figure showing Wassa drilling and age of Wassa Mineralisation: Perouty, S et al. The Wassa deposit: A poly deformed orogenic gold system in southwest Ghana- Implications for regional exploration. Journal of African Earth Science 2015
Wassa gold endowment is the total of all resource categories Measured, Indicated, Inferred and past production as reported in: "Wassa Gold Mine NI-43-101 Technical Report March 2021 (M+I = 3.537Moz; Indicated 8.183Moz) Past production ~ 2.197Moz
Sanbrado Resources: Resource Source West African Resource/Reserve Statement 9 March 2021
M1 South Auger results: West African Resources Press Release 15 June 2015.
Namdini Auger Results: Cardinal Resources, Presentation 15 November 2017.
Namdini Resources: Cardinal Resources Ltd. – "NI 43-101 Namdini Gold Project Feasibility Study" November 27 2019.
Banken NE Auger Results: Predictive Discovery ASX press release, 13 October 2020. "92M at 1.9g/t Gold- Diamond drilling Expands Bankan Project."
SOURCE Tajiri Resources Corp.

Contact Information:Tajiri Resources Corp., Graham Keevil, President, CEO, 604-642-0115 or Toll Free 866-345-0115, 604-642-0116 (FAX), [email protected]
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