NOVEKO INTERNATIONAL INC. Announces Results for Fiscal Year and Fourth
Quarter 2010
32.4% Revenue Growth
MONTREAL, Sept. 28 /CNW Telbec/ - Noveko International Inc. ("the Company") today announces the financial results for its fourth quarter and fiscal year ended June 30, 2010.
"We achieved a 32% revenue growth and reduced our loss by more than $7 million for the fiscal year. As for our filtration solutions, which are set to become our primary growth driver over the medium and long term, we are delighted with the outstanding advances accomplished and the great interest they are attracting. We proved that our washable and recyclable filters represent an effective, cost-efficient and eco-friendly solution, ideal as part of a sustainable development strategy, in both the building and transportation industry. Everything indicates that we will strengthen the positioning of our filtration solutions in these markets in 2011," said Mr. André Leroux, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of the Company.
Financial Highlights
For fiscal 2010 and the fourth quarter, and in comparison with the corresponding periods of the previous year:
- Consolidated revenues from continuing operations up by 32% to $15.1 million, and down by 11% to $2.9 million, respectively; - Stock-based compensation down by $7.1 million and by $1.3 million, respectively; - Loss before amortization, financial expenses, income taxes, other items and discontinued operations down by $6.2 million and $0.6 million, respectively; - Loss from continuing operations down by $7.4 million to approximately $20.4 million, and down by $2.3 million to $7.7 million, respectively; - Net loss down by $7.7 million to $24.2 million, and down by $3.2 million to $9.4 million, respectively; - Total indebtedness down by $2.6 million since June 30, 2009.
"In the masks and sanitizers segments, we benefited from increased visibility and our sales more than tripled to $4 million for the fiscal year. The grant of a European certification for our new model of antimicrobial respirators and the recent distribution agreements for our sanitizers are major milestones that enable us to look forward to progress in marketing such products. However, as we have already mentioned, our annual results were below expectations in light of the execution challenges we encountered. We therefore returned to our initial business strategy focused on licence agreements or partnerships for the production and distribution of our products. We are currently in talks with a number of parties to that end. We are confident that this represents a sustainable commercialization strategy which is better aligned with our corporate mission and likely to allow more efficient use of our resources."
"Our medical equipment segment posted appreciable growth, as revenues grew to some $9 million for the fiscal year, thanks notably to ECM's new-generation ultrasound scanners which are enjoying great success in both human and veterinary medicine. This segment will bring a significant contribution to our growth in 2011."
"Finally, we continue to set up an operational structure better aligned with our objectives of growth and improved profitability. We are ensuring we have the human and financial resources to implement our business plan and remain convinced that we will achieve further milestones in marketing our technologies in 2011," concluded Mr. Leroux.
Selected Consolidated Information ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiscal Years Ended June 30 2010(1) 2009 2008 (in thousands of $, except per-share amounts) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revenues from continuing operations 15,111 11,412 7,368 Gross margin 5,703 4,730 3,590 Loss before amortization, financial expenses, income taxes, other items and discontinued operations(2) (14,436) (20,594) (13,937) Goodwill impairment charge (2,305) (3,600) - Loss from continuing operations (20,363) (27,802) (14,023) Loss from discontinued operations(3) (3,856) (4,073) (2,591) Net loss (24,219) (31,876) (16,614) Loss per Class A share (basic and diluted) Continuing operations $ (0.28) $ (0.42) $ (0.25) Discontinued operations(3) $ (0.05) $ (0.06) $ (0.05) Net loss $ (0.33) $ (0.48) $ (0.30) Weighted average number of outstanding Class A shares, basic and diluted (in thousands) 73,488 66,611 54,767 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance Sheet Data as at June 30 2010 2009 2008 (in thousands of $) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total assets 42,675 50,897 62,858 Shareholders' equity 33,063 38,487 49,773 Total interest-bearing debt(4) 1,446 4,043 4,547 Non-current liabilities held for sale(5) 1,753 1,924 2,621 Non-current liabilities related to discontinued operations(6) - 200 - Cash, cash equivalents, short-term investments and deposit in trust 2,873 4,711 4,711 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its subsidiaries, all wholly-owned as at June 30, 2010. 2) Including stock-based compensation of $3,413,576, $10,556,660 and $7,188,252 respectively for fiscal 2010, 2009 and 2008, which has no impact on the cash balance. 3) Related to BLI's and Magnum's results. 4) Including long-term debt and its current portion, bank loans, and short and long-term convertible debentures; excluding BLI and Magnum. 5) Related to BLI. 6) Related to Magnum. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ In this press release, unless otherwise indicated or required by the context, "Noveko International", "the Company", "we", "us", "our", "our Company", "Group" and "our Group" designate, as the case may be, Noveko International Inc. or Noveko International Inc. and its subsidiaries, and "Noveko" designates Noveko Inc., a subsidiary of the Company. The Company's other subsidiaries are designated as follows: "ECM" for S.A.S. E.C.M., "Epurair" for Epurair Inc., "Magnum" for Magnum Pharmaceutics Inc., "Noveko Algérie" for SARL Noveko Algérie, "Noveko Beijing" for Noveko (Beijing) Hi-Tech Development Limited, "Noveko Taiwan" for Noveko Taiwan Co., Ltd., "Noveko Trading" for Noveko Trading 2008 LLC, "Purer Life" for Purer Life Technology Co., Ltd. and "BLI" for Bolduc Leroux Inc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Analysis of Operating Results -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2010 Compared with the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2009
Our segmented information is reported based on the following business segments: medical equipment ("medical equipment"), sanitizers ("sanitizers"), antimicrobial surgical masks and respirators ("masks"), filtration products ("filtration") and other activities consisting primarily of the activities of the parent company, Noveko International, and of Noveko Trading ("other"). Furthermore, the results of operations and the assets and liabilities of BLI and Magnum have been withdrawn from continuing operations to be treated as discontinued operations in the Company's financial statements. Accordingly, the assets and liabilities related to BLI have been reclassified as assets and liabilities held for sale, the assets and liabilities related to Magnum have been reclassified as assets and liabilities related to discontinued operations, and their results of operations are presented as losses from discontinued operations for fiscal 2010, as well as for fiscal 2009 for comparative purposes.
Consolidated and Segmented Revenues from Continuing Operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiscal Years Ended June 30, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical equipment $ 8,834,220 $ 7,558,144 Sanitizers 2,551,461 540,779 Masks 1,390,295 602,947 Filtration 2,331,974 2,692,726 Other 2,704 16,909 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $ 15,110,654 $ 11,411,505 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Consolidated revenues for fiscal 2010 grew by $3.7 million or 32.4% to $15.1 million. This growth is due primarily to:
- a major increase of $2.0 million or 371.8% in sales of sanitizers and of $0.8 million or 130.6% in sales of masks, reflecting the accelerated demand during the first two quarters of the year in the context of the pandemic threat then prevailing. Although these two segments posted significant growth, it was not as strong as expected, due notably to the rapid end to the A (H1N1) influenza epidemic at the outset of the third quarter which led to the deferral and cancellation of a number of orders, the financial problems encountered by some of our distributors and the delays related to the process of obtaining the required authorizations and certifications in order to market our products, all combined with the other factors set forth in further detail in the Corporation's Management's Report under Description of the Company - Operational Overview - Antimicrobial Masks and Respirators Markets and Sanitizers; - the $1.3 million or 16.9% increase in sales of medical equipment resulting from Noveko Algérie's and ECM's marketing efforts. In fact, whereas Noveko Algérie achieved a 31% growth, ECM increased its sales by 10% during the year. In ECM's case, this increase would have been higher - at 20% in Euros - were it not for the impact of the conversion into Canadian dollars of ECM's revenues in Euros in the context of the major depreciation of the Euro. ECM's sales growth reflects both its breakthroughs in human medicine and its ongoing penetration of the veterinary medicine market; and - conversely, sales of filtration products posted a $0.4 million or 13.4% decrease caused mainly to the slowdown in the swine market from the previous year that could not be offset by the $0.2 million increase in sales of filtration products recorded by the subsidiary Epurair, mostly in the residential market but also in the institutional and commercial markets.
The operating profit margin for the fiscal year was 37.7%, compared with 41.5% for the previous year. This decline was caused by an increase in logistics services and transportation expenses in various overseas markets, the lower profit margins - primarily in the case of sanitizers - and the higher raw material supply costs that could not be reflected in selling prices due to exchange rate fluctuations. In addition to the previously mentioned factors, this decrease is also due to downward price adjustments at the beginning of the year in the segments of filtration products for livestock farms and medical equipment for use in veterinary medicine.
Selling and administrative expenses increased by $1.4 million or 9.8% to $15.4 million. This increase reflects the costs related to product marketing and sales initiatives in our various business segments and the reinforcement of the sales team during the year. In addition, the Company had to recognize an allowance for doubtful accounts of $0.8 million for the year, most of which related to the financial problems encountered by some of our distributors.
Stock-based compensation charge for the year, which has no impact on the Company's cash balance, decreased by $7.1 million from the previous year to $3.4 million. This reduction is notably explained by the lower number of options granted during fiscal 2010 and the gradual recognition of the compensation charge. Remember that at the beginning of the previous year, and primarily in connection with acquisitions, stock options vesting over a period of 12 to 30 months had been granted.
Research and development expenses increased by $0.6 million over the previous year to $1.8 million, due primarily to the development costs and cost of tests related to the various certification processes in the masks segment. Research and development tax credits remained relatively stable.
Earnings (Loss) before Amortization, Financial Expenses, Income Taxes, Other Items and Discontinued Operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiscal Years Ended June 30, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical equipment $ 251,250 $ (238,542) Sanitizers (2,740,748) (1,686,310) Masks (2,266,232) (2,286,884) Filtration (1,685,215) (3,722,963) Other (7,995,480) (12,659,795) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $(14,436,425) $(20,594,494) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
The loss before amortization, financial expenses, income taxes, other items and discontinued operations was lowered to $14.4 million for fiscal 2010, down by $6.2 million or 29.9% from the previous year. This substantial reduction stemmed primarily from the following factors:
- a significant decline in stock-based compensation charge of the parent company Noveko International (in the "other" segment), for the previously mentioned reasons; - a $2.0 million reduction in the filtration products segment's loss thanks to a decrease in operating costs, development expenses and stock-based compensation charge; - the earnings before amortization, financial expenses and income taxes of $0.3 million achieved by the medical equipment segment, as opposed to a loss of $0.2 million for fiscal 2009, thanks mainly to ECM's contribution and the improvement in its profitability during fiscal 2010; - the masks segment's rather stable loss, reflecting the decrease in stock-based compensation charge and the increase in sales during the year, all offset by an increase in marketing and development expenses, including the required tests for various certification processes; - finally, the sanitizers segment increased its loss by $1.1 million, due mainly to a decrease in the profit margin and increase in selling and administrative expenses allocated thereto since the integration of Laboratoire SyMa Inc.'s operations with Noveko and the merger of these two entities in July 2009.
Amortization expenses increased by $0.5 million or 24.1% during the fiscal year. This increase is primarily attributable to the amortization of the expenses related to the Exago(TM) (veterinary medicine) subsequent to its market launch at the beginning of the second half of the current fiscal year, along with the expenses related to our new integrated management system, the implementation of which was completed during the third quarter of the year.
Financial expenses less investment revenues decreased by $0.6 million to $1.6 million during the year. This decline is due to the reduction in interest on long-term debt and the conversion of debentures, but mostly due to the fact that a loss on currency contracts of approximately $2.2 million had been recognized during the previous year. Furthermore, the year's investment revenues decreased by $0.9 million and the year's exchange loss increased by $0.9 million on account of less favourable exchange rates. It is to be noted that a major portion of the year's exchange loss is unrealized.
The goodwill impairment charge amounted to $2.3 million for fiscal 2010, compared with $3.6 million for fiscal 2009, which impairment is without impact on the Company's cash balance and can be explained as follows. At the time of the step-one analysis as at June 30, 2010 (preliminary assessment), it was determined that a comprehensive step-two analysis (comprehensive assessment) of the goodwill for a business unit related to the sanitizers segment exceeded its estimated fair value. Based on the preliminary assessment, it was estimated that as at June 30, 2010, the fair value of goodwill in the sanitizers segment amounted to $2,821,559. Accordingly, a $2,375,000 goodwill impairment charge was recognized as at June 30, 2010. This impairment reflects the market conditions affecting this segment, primarily the slowdown of the marketing of the sanitizers following the rapid end of the A (H1N1) influenza epidemic at the outset of the third quarter of the year and the termination of a significant distribution agreement. With the assistance of an independent valuator, the Company is currently carrying out this comprehensive assessment including a detailed calculation of the estimated fair values of recorded and unrecorded intangible assets. The final impairment calculation is expected to be completed during fiscal 2011 and the resulting final adjustments, if any, would result in a non-cash adjustment to the consolidated statement of operations. The reader is reminded that for fiscal 2009, a $3.6 million goodwill impairment charge related to the medical equipment (ECM) had been recognized following a preliminary assessment. This impairment reflected the market conditions affecting ECM, primarily the economic slowdown and the restructuring periods the swine and bovine industries were undergoing. The subsequent comprehensive assessment allowed the Company to complete the final calculation of the goodwill impairment charge and the resulting non-cash adjustment and yielded a $69,700 gain in the consolidated statement of earnings for the second quarter of the year.
Net Earnings (Loss) from Continuing Operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiscal Years Ended June 30, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical equipment $ (555,879) $ (4,284,262) Sanitizers (4,441,996) (1,765,542) Masks (2,510,416) (2,294,519) Filtration (1,980,110) (3,963,997) Other (10,874,190) (15,493,954) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $(20,362,591) $(27,802,274) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Considering mainly the aforementioned factors, the net loss from continuing operations for fiscal 2010 stood at approximately $20.4 million, a significant reduction of $7.4 million.
A $3.9 million loss from discontinued operations (BLI and Magnum) was recognized, compared with a $4.1 million loss for the previous year. Consequently, the current fiscal year's net loss totalled $24.2 million, down from $31.9 million for the previous year.
Considering a net change in unrealized losses on translation of the financial statements of self-sustaining foreign operations of $1.1 million for the current fiscal year, compared with a net change in unrealized losses of $0.5 million for the previous year, a net loss of $25.3 million represented comprehensive income for fiscal 2010, compared with a net loss of $32.4 million a year earlier.
The loss from continuing operations and the net loss amounted to $0.28 and $0.33 per Class A share (basic and diluted), respectively, on a weighted average of 73,487,740 outstanding shares, compared with a loss from continuing operations and a net loss of $0.42 and $0.48 per share, respectively, on a weighted average of 66,610,725 shares for the previous year. The increased weighted average number of outstanding shares is due to the issue of Class A shares related to the private placement closed in October 2009 and the issue of Class A shares subsequent to the exercise of stock options and of the conversion right of convertible debentures.
Principal Quarterly Financial Information (in thousands of $, except per-share amounts)(unaudited) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- First Second Third Fourth Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiscal 2010 Revenues 4,388 4,892 2,935 2,896 Loss from continuing operations (3,503) (4,562) (4,560) (7,737) Comprehensive loss (4,417) (5,449) (5,859) (9,612) Loss per Class A share from continuing operations (basic and diluted) (0.05) (0.06) (0.07) (0.10) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiscal 2009 Revenues 2,014 3,687 2,454 3,257 Loss from continuing operations (6,057) (6,526) (5,216) (10,003) Comprehensive loss (6,957) (5,506) (7,062) (12,865) Loss per Class A share from continuing operations (basic and diluted) (0.09) (0.10) (0.08) (0.15) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quarter Ended June 30, 2010 Compared with the Fourth Quarter Ended June 30, 2009
Consolidated and Segmented Revenues from Continuing Operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarters Ended June 30, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical equipment $ 2,090,023 $ 1,880,108 Sanitizers 66,138 151,702 Masks 51,034 261,822 Filtration 685,901 962,782 Other 2,704 - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $ 2,895,800 $ 3,256,414 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Consolidated revenues for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2010 decreased by $0.4 million or 11.1% to $2.9 million. This reduction primarily reflects:
- a respective sales decrease in the masks and sanitizers segments of $0.2 million or 80.5% and of $85,564 or 56.4%. This decline is due notably to the rapid end to the A (H1N1) influenza epidemic in the second quarter of 2010, whereas the corresponding period of fiscal 2009 had shown a strong increase in these segments following the appearance of this same pandemic threat at the end of April 2009; - a decrease in filtration product sales of approximately $0.3 million or 28.8% caused mainly by the slowdown in the swine market from the same quarter of the previous year; - whereas sales of medical equipment increased by $0.2 million or 11.2% thanks to ECM's marketing efforts during the quarter, which offset the decline in Noveko Algérie's sales. It is to be noted that ECM's sales grew by 29.8% during the quarter. This increase would have been higher - at 58.2% in Euros - were it not for the impact of the conversion into Canadian dollars of the revenues recorded in Euros in the context of a major depreciation of this currency since the previous year.
The operating profit margin for the fourth quarter was 23.5%, down from 30.2% for the corresponding quarter of the previous year. This decline notably reflects the weighting of certain fixed costs, including logistics services expenses in the context of a sales decrease in the masks and sanitizers segments, as well as an increase in the allowance for inventory obsolescence.
Selling and administrative expenses increased slightly to $4.1 million for the fourth quarter and mainly reflect the fixed cost structure at the level of operating expenses.
Stock-based compensation charge, which has no impact on the Company's cash balance, decreased by $1.3 million from the corresponding quarter of the previous year, to $0.3 million. This variation is due to the smaller number of options granted and gradual recognition of the stock-based compensation charge.
Research and development expenses increased by some $0.3 million over the corresponding quarter of the previous year to $0.6 million, due primarily to development costs and the cost of tests related to the masks segment.
Earnings (Loss) before Amortization, Financial Expenses, Income Taxes, Other Items and Discontinued Operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarters Ended June 30, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical equipment $ (17,223) $ (232,346) Sanitizers (1,157,740) (60,748) Masks (981,674) (722,912) Filtration (393,394) (1,374,845) Other (1,652,047) (2,366,437) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $ (4,202,078) $ 4,757,288) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Considering the aforementioned factors, the Company reduced its loss before amortization, financial expenses, income taxes, other items and discontinued operations to $4.2 million for the fourth quarter, down by $0.6 million or 11.7% from the corresponding quarter of the previous year. Segmented changes reflect the following factors:
- a reduction of approximately $1.0 million in the filtration products segment's loss, thanks to a decrease in operating expenses and stock- based compensation charge; - a significant reduction of some $0.7 million in the "other" segment's loss due to a decrease in the stock-based compensation charge of the parent company Noveko International; - a $0.2 million decline in the medical equipment segment's loss thanks mainly to ECM's improved profitability; - an increase of some $0.3 million in the masks segment's loss reflecting, in a context of lower sales than in the same quarter of the previous year, an increase in marketing and development expenses, and that, despite the decrease in stock-based compensation charge; - a $1.1 million increase in the sanitizers segment's loss, primarily in a context of lower sales, as a result of the increase in selling and administrative expenses allocated thereto since the integration of Laboratoire SyMa Inc.'s operations with Noveko and the merger of these two entities in July 2009, and as a result of a decline in the profit margin.
Amortization expenses increased by $0.4 million in the fourth quarter, reflecting the amortization of the expenses related to the Exago(TM) (veterinary medicine) since its market launch, as well as the expenses related to our new integrated management system.
Net Earnings (Loss) from Continuing Operations ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quarters Ended June 30, ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medical equipment $ (169,060) $ (3,539,670) Sanitizers (3,660,402) (76,366) Masks (1,039,261) (715,256) Filtration (379,690) (1,185,548) Other (2,488,271) (4,487,037) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $ (7,736,684) $(10,003,877) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
The net loss from continuing operations totalled $7.7 million for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2010, compared with $10.0 million for the corresponding quarter of the previous year, in light mainly of the aforementioned factors, including the goodwill impairment charge of some $2.4 million attributable to the sanitizers segment, compared with $3.6 million attributable to ECM during fiscal 2009.
A $1.7 million loss from continuing operations was recognized in fourth-quarter results, compared with a $2.7 million loss for the corresponding quarter of the previous year. Consequently, the quarter's net loss amounted to $9.4 million, compared with $12.7 million for the corresponding quarter of the previous year.
Considering a net change in unrealized losses on translation of the financial statements of self-sustaining foreign operations of $0.2 million for the quarter, versus a net change in unrealized losses of $0.2 million for the corresponding quarter of the previous year, a net loss of $9.6 million represented comprehensive income for the fourth quarter, compared with $12.9 million for the same quarter of the previous year.
The fourth-quarter loss from continuing operations and net loss stood at $0.10 and $0.12 per Class A share (basic and diluted), respectively, on a weighted average of 75,915,912 outstanding shares, compared with a loss from continuing operations and a net loss of 0.15 and $0.19 per share, respectively, on a weighted average of 67,028,785 shares for the corresponding quarter of the previous year.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance Sheet Analysis as of June 30, 2010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
As at June 30, 2010, total assets amounted to $42.7 million, down by $8.2 million from June 30, 2009. Working capital stood at $12.8 million for a current ratio of 3.1:1, compared with $12.0 million and a 2.8:1 ratio as at June 30, 2009. Shareholders' equity totalled $33.1 million as at June 30, 2010, compared with $38.5 million as at June 30, 2009. Total interest-bearing debt (bank loans, current portion of long-term debt, long-term debt and short and long-term secured convertible debentures) amounted to $1.4 million as at June 30, 2010, down by $2.6 million from June 30, 2009.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiscal Year Highlights and Subsequent Events -------------------------------------------------------------------------
To drive our growth based on our strategic priorities, we conducted an evaluation of our business during fiscal 2010; in this regard, the operations of our subsidiary Noveko were the focus of special attention. We also pursued the measures implemented over the last year to ensure a higher level of vigilance in regard to our operating efficiency and better operating cost control in each of our business segments. In the light of our strategic priorities, some of the highlights with regard to the operations of the Group and its business segments are presented below. Further details are provided in the Corporation's Management Report:
- We continued to further streamline the Group's structure and management and reassigned some of our managers and consolidated certain work teams. - Regrouping of our head office and Noveko. - Expansion of Epurair. - Optimization of our logistics services. - New integrated management system. - Establishment of our presence in China. - Financing: Private placement in October 2009 for total gross proceeds of $15.7 million; in June 2010, credit facilities for a total amount of $4.5 million; on September 23, 2010, announcement of a private placement of Class A shares, for a minimum amount of $4 million and a maximum amount of $10 million, at a price of $0.60 per share, subject to the Toronto Stock Exchange's acceptance.
Air Filtration Products
Air Filters for Farm Buildings - Several early signs allow us to look forward to a certain improvement in business in the swine market, particularly with our new filtration solutions offering, a more cost-effective option aimed at an expanded client base.
Air Filters for the Transportation Industry - Pursuant to an agreement with Bombardier Transportation, a world leader in rail technology, we will work jointly to develop air filtration solutions that will be offered to all its clients. We believe that this collaboration, which reflects the keen interest in our technologies, will represent a strategic advantage for the marketing of our filters. We expect the first benefits of the agreement with Bombardier Transportation to gradually materialize during fiscal 2011. In the aeronautics segment, we are pursuing the required tests to obtain "STC" certification for our filters from Transport Canada. Despite certain execution delays, we are continuing to implement our business plan for the commercialization of our filtration technologies in this field. Various airlines, including Air Transat, have already shown an interest in equipping their aircraft with such filters. However, we do not expect any significant revenues in this regard for fiscal 2011.
Air filters for buildings, institutional and commercial markets - We achieved several major breakthroughs in the marketing of our air filters in the real estate sector:
- Agreement with Desjardins Gestion Immobilière Inc. to equip Complexe Desjardins, the largest multi-purpose building in the Greater Montreal area, with Noveko(TM) filters incorporating our filtration technologies. - Agreement with the Jewish General Hospital to equip one of its pavilions with filters incorporating our filtration technologies. Located in Montreal, the Jewish General Hospital is one of the largest and busiest hospitals in Quebec. - Agreement under which the entire Bell Centre, a multi-purpose building recognized as the most outstanding entertainment venue in Montreal, was to be equipped with Noveko(TM) filters. Having a 21,273-seat capacity, the Bell Centre is the largest hockey arena in North America and the home of the legendary Montreal Canadiens Hockey Club. After more than a year of use at the Bell Centre, our filters' degree of effectiveness and durability proved to be unmatched and beyond all expectations in a quite complex technical environment. This new breakthrough sets the stage for us to equip other sports and cultural arenas and amphitheatres.
Antimicrobial Masks and Respirators Markets
The A (H1N1) influenza pandemic threat that emerged at the end of April 2009 initially had a significant accelerator effect on the demand for our masks and respirators. The growth in mask and respirator sales during fiscal 2010 reflects the acceleration of this demand during the first half of fiscal 2010. However, the rapid end to the A (H1N1) influenza epidemic at the outset of the third quarter ended March 31, 2010 subsequently had an adverse impact on demand. Furthermore, certain agreements have not yet yielded the hoped-for results. Further efforts are now being focused on the search for partners in order to further stimulate our market development and the commercialization of our technologies in this segment.
Certification Processes - In July 2010, our new model of Noveko(TM) RD2 antimicrobial respirators obtained FFP2 classification. The grant of this regulatory certification allows us to market these respirators in all countries throughout the European Union and will also facilitate their marketing in several other territories that recognize these European standards de facto. In the fourth quarter, we submitted an application for certification to the US National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health ("NIOSH"). We have since held various discussions with NIOSH representatives, subsequent to which we were informed that due to the presence of antimicrobial agents in our respirators and pursuant to an agreement with the FDA, our application could not be considered until FDA certification is obtained for these respirators, even though our application to the NIOSH did not include any antimicrobial claim. In the meantime, we have withdrawn the first application filed with the NIOSH for our antimicrobial respirators in order to replace it with a new application for certification. This new application will cover a respirator model whose design and particle filtration features are identical to those of the antimicrobial respirators covered by the first application, but without any antimicrobial agent. We are currently finalizing the tests on this new respirator model in accordance with NIOSH standards in order to shortly submit the new application for certification to the NIOSH. Through this process, we hope to show buyers seeking NIOSH recognition in their purchasing decision that our respirators - with or without antimicrobial agents - meet the NIOSH's filtration criteria, even though their marketing in the United States remains subject to obtaining FDA certification. Concurrently with this process, we are continuing working on obtaining the required performance data to draw up the file in order to support a future 510(k) submission that would meet both the FDA's requirements and our marketing imperatives.
The pandemic threat that emerged in late April 2009, combined with general public health concerns, led to a major increase in the demand for our sanitizers, as attested to by the sales growth seen in the first half of fiscal 2010. However, the A (H1N1) influenza epidemic rapidly came to an end at the outset of the third quarter ended March 31, 2010, which had an adverse impact on demand, leading to the deferral and cancellation of a number of sanitizer order deliveries. Furthermore, some agreements have not yielded the expected objectives and reviews are in progress. Despite these execution delays, we remain confident as to our sales trend in this segment in upcoming quarters. The following agreements attest to the interest in our sanitizers:
- Licence agreement with Microban International, Ltd., the global leader in built-in antimicrobial product protection, granting us the right to sell our line of hand sanitizers under the Microban(R) brand name until December 31, 2012. - Several types of Microban(R) hand sanitizers are sold in most Couche- Tard stores in Quebec. - Distribution agreement with AMD-Ritmed Inc., a North American leader in the development and distribution of specialized high-quality and disposable medical supplies for the sale and promotion of our hand sanitizers, in Canada and in the United States, in the healthcare market, all subject to certain exceptions. - Distribution agreement with Benjamin News Inc. for the sale and promotion of our hand sanitizers in Quebec, New Brunswick and Eastern Ontario.
Medical Equipment
Although the swine and bovine industries remained fragile during fiscal 2010, ECM strengthened its leadership worldwide in ultrasound scanners for use in veterinary medicine. Although initially slowed down by the additional delays encountered in obtaining the product approvals in each of the countries where it was launched, the marketing of the Imagyne(TM) ultrasound scanner for use in human medicine is going well, whereas a major breakthrough in China considerably reinforced ECM's market positioning in ultrasound scanning for use in human medicine: agreement with Ningbo Xingaoyi Magnetism Co. Ltd for the purchase of Imagyne(TM) scanners for use in human medicine in China, for a minimum value of 5.7 million Euros, of which 900,000 Euros the first year. ECM also achieved major breakthroughs in commercializing its Exago(TM) ultrasound scanner in the equine market, having concluded contracts representing more than $4 million over a three-year period by key players in the North American veterinary medicine field. As for Noveko Algérie, it continues to reap the benefits of supplying various medical devices in Algeria.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- Profile -------------------------------------------------------------------------
Noveko International Inc. offers innovative solutions in the environmental and medical fields worldwide. Through its subsidiaries, the Company specializes primarily in the following business segments: the development, manufacturing and marketing of derivative products from its patented antimicrobial filtration technologies, mainly air filters, surgical masks and respirators, as well as other products with antibacterial properties such as hand sanitizers - and the development, manufacturing and marketing of medical equipment, primarily portable real-time ultrasound scanners for use in human and veterinary medicine.
Certain statements set forth in this press release constitute forward-looking statements. In some cases, these statements are identified by the use of terms such as "may", "could", "might", "intend", "should", "expect", "project", "plan", "believe", "estimate" or other comparable variants. These statements are based on the information available at the time they are written, on assumptions made by management and on the expectations of management, acting in good faith, regarding future events, including those relating to economic conditions, fluctuations in exchange rates and operating expenses, and the absence of unusual events entailing supplementary expenditures. Although management considers these assumptions and expectations reasonable based on the information available at the time they are written, they could prove inaccurate. Forward-looking statements are also subject, by their very nature, to known and unknown risks and uncertainties such as those related to the industry, acquisitions, labor relations, credit, key officers, supply and product liability. The actual results of Noveko International Inc. could differ materially from those indicated or underlying these forward-looking statements. The reader is therefore recommended not to unduly rely on these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements do not reflect the potential impact of special items, any business combination or any other transaction that may be announced or occur subsequent to the date hereof. Unless otherwise required under securities laws, the Company does not intend and undertakes no obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements to account for new information, new events or new circumstances.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Management's Report, consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010 as well as the Annual Information Form will be filed on SEDAR ( and available on the Company's website ( ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noveko International Inc. Consolidated balance sheets June 30, 2010 and 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSETS Current assets: Cash and cash equivalents $ 639,543 $ 937,319 Deposit in trust 87,787 70,900 Short-term investments 2,145,631 3,702,958 Accounts receivable 3,026,436 3,692,625 Inventories 11,259,316 7,288,071 Prepaid expenses 627,644 719,573 Current portion of assets held for sale 1,231,858 1,998,371 Current portion of assets related to discontinued operations - 168,106 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 19,018,215 18,577,923 Fixed assets 1,592,999 4,116,120 Intangible assets 7,782,150 9,697,520 Other assets 945,653 1,198,345 Future income taxes 19,424 82,691 Goodwill 7,420,012 10,286,317 Non-current portion of assets held for sale 5,896,657 3,836,738 Non-current portion of assets related to discontinued operations - 3,100,884 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 42,675,110 $ 50,896,538 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Liabilities and shareholders' equity Current liabilities: Bank advances $ - $ - Bank loans 167,011 162,970 Accounts payable and accrued liabilities 3,801,984 2,439,099 Current portion of secured convertible debentures - 964,710 Current portion of long-term debt 475,432 724,584 Current portion of liabilities held for sale 1,780,589 2,126,397 Current portion of liabilities related to discontinued operations - 143,180 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,225,016 6,560,940 Long-term debt 803,647 1,365,182 Secured convertible debentures - 825,117 Future income taxes 830,291 1,534,405 Non-current portion of liabilities held for sale 1,753,146 1,924,217 Non-current portion of liabilities related to discontinued operations - 200,069 Shareholders' equity: Capital stock 95,620,532 80,768,629 Portion of secured convertible debentures included in equity - 372,473 Warrants 3,348,000 - Contributed surplus 22,874,810 18,718,376 Accumulated other comprehensive loss (1,285,522) (166,928) Deficit (87,494,810) (61,205,942) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 33,063,010 38,486,608 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ 42,675,110 $ 50,896,538 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noveko International Inc. Consolidated statements of operations Years ended June 30, 2010 and 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revenues $ 15,110,654 $ 11,411,505 Cost of sales 9,407,387 6,681,206 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5,703,267 4,730,299 Operating expenses: Administrative and selling 15,444,132 14,064,971 Stock-based compensation 3,413,576 10,556,660 Research and development 1,853,396 1,247,938 Research and development tax credits (571,412) (544,776) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20,139,692 25,324,793 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loss before amortization, financial expenses, income taxes, other element and discontinued operations (14,436,425) (20,594,494) Amortization 2,418,274 1,949,382 Financial expenses less investment revenues 1,633,401 2,243,658 Goodwill impairment charge 2,305,300 3,600,000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6,356,975 7,793,040 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Loss before income taxes (20,793,400) (28,387,534) Income taxes : Current (recovered) 52,829 (347,146) Future (483,638) (238,114) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (430,809) (585,260) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net loss from continuing operations (20,362,591) (27,802,274) Net loss from discontinued operations (3,855,960) (4,073,340) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net loss $(24,218,551) $(31,875,614) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic and diluted loss per share: From continuing operations $ (0.28) $ (0.42) From discontinued operations $ (0.05) $ (0.06) Net loss $ (0.33) $ (0.48) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Weighted average number of outstanding shares, basic and diluted 73,487,740 66,610,725 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noveko International Inc. Consolidated statements of comprehensive loss Years ended June 30, 2010 and 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net loss $(24,218,551) $(31,875,614) Other comprehensive loss, net of income taxes: Change in unrealized losses on translation of financial statements of self-sustaining foreign operations (1,118,594) (514,287) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comprehensive loss $(25,337,145) $(32,389,901) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noveko International Inc. Consolidated statements of deficit and contributed surplus Years ended June 30, 2010 and 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFICIT Deficit, beginning of year $(61,205,942) $(29,323,571) Restatement related to the adoption of new accounting policies - 49,243 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Restated balance (61,205,942) (29,274,328) Net loss (24,218,551) (31,875,614) Share issuance fees (2,070,317) (56,000) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Deficit, end of year $(87,494,810) $(61,205,942) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTRIBUTED SURPLUS Contributed surplus, beginning of year $ 18,718,376 $ 7,967,778 Fair value of stock options granted 3,514,375 11,050,909 Fair value of options granted to the agents 732,000 - Stock options exercised (89,941) (300,311) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contributed surplus, end of year $ 22,874,810 $ 18,718,376 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Noveko International Inc. Consolidated statements of cash flows Years ended June 30, 2010 and 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2010 2009 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash flows from operating activities: Net loss $(24,218,551) $(31,875,614) Adjustments for: Loss from discontinued operations 3,855,960 4,073,340 Future income taxes (483,638) (238,114) Accreted interest on secured convertible debentures 59,644 267,531 Stock-based compensation 3,413,576 10,556,660 Professional fees paid by warrants 159,000 - Loss (gain) on disposal of fixed assets 7,438 (7,231) Amortization 2,418,274 1,949,382 Goodwill impairment charge 2,305,300 3,600,000 Loss (gain) on fair value of short-term investments 11,512 (838) Foreign exchange gain on disposal of short-term investments - (579,292) Unrealized gain on foreign exchange gain currency contracts - (76,885) Foreign exchange loss 935 6,175 Adjustments related to discontinued operations 563,956 (1,043,694) --------------------------------------------------------------------- (11,906,594) (13,368,580) Net change in non-cash working capital (2,148,838) (1,490,546) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (14,055,432) (14,859,126) Cash flows from financing activities: Net changes in bank advances - (132,108) Net changes in bank loans 36,661 (407,425) Increase in long-term debt - 61,766 Repayment of long-term debt (598,252) (459,236) Repayment of secured convertible debentures (100,000) - Interest paid on secured convertible debentures (21,142) (165,660) Proceeds from Class A shares and warrants issued 15,874,066 4,019,157 Class A shares issue expenses (1,338,317) (12,800) Cash flows related to discontinued operations (334,672) 297,740 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13,518,344 3,201,434 Cash flows from investing activities: Business acquisitions (86,261) (5,936,483) Acquisition of short-term investments (15,090,000) (61,566,736) Proceeds from disposal of short-term investments 16,634,425 70,033,630 Acquisition of fixed assets (279,721) (684,848) Proceeds from disposal of fixed assets 26,214 8,859 Acquisition of intangible assets (295,713) (429,536) Acquisition of other assets (755) (58,150) Deposit in trust (44,540) 1,685 Deferred development costs, net of related research tax credits received (353,766) (342,183) Cash flows related to discontinued operations (76,700) (12,051) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 433,183 (1,014,187) Foreign exchange gain on cash in foreign currencies (193,871) (13,511) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Decrease in cash and cash equivalents (297,776) (10 657 016) Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year 937,319 11,594,335 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash and cash equivalents, end of year $ 639,543 $ 937,319 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash flows related to continuing operating activities include interest paid of $76,990 ($110,581 in 2009) and income taxes received for $230,473 ($257,647 in 2009).
For further information: Chantal Vennat, Director, Investor Relations and Corporate Communications, Noveko International Inc., Tel: (514) 875-0606,
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