Media Advisory - IBM and MITACS host healthcare Research and Innovation
TORONTO, Sept. 29 /CNW/ - In 1921 Sir Frederick Banting invented insulin, forever changing the lives of diabetics. Nine years later, three doctors from the Hospital for Sick Children created Pablum, a pre-cooked cereal that continues to nourish infants around the world to this day. Two decades later John Hopps discovered electrical impulses to the heart ensured a steady, regular heartbeat, and with this, the pacemaker was born. Once a country of medical firsts, Canada now languishes near the bottom of the list of OECD nations when it comes to competitiveness and innovation. Why? What can be done to restore Canada's eminence?
IBM and MITACS have invited senior researchers, executives, and policy makers from universities, governments and the healthcare sector from across Canada to examine these questions at the 2nd Annual Research and Innovation Summit. With a special focus on healthcare, this year's summit will examine Canada's challenges in healthcare innovation and offer insights on what the nation must do to become a true competitor in the field.
WHEN: | Thursday, September 30, 2010 8:30am-5:30pm Friday, October 1, 2010 8:30am-12:30pm |
WHERE: | IBM Lab 8200 Warden AVE Markham, Ontario L6G 1C7 |
WHAT: | A full agenda and list of speakers is included below. |
You are also invited to participate in an exclusive media roundtable luncheon featuring top research experts and panellists participating in the summit. Moderated by IBM Vice-President of Development Pat Horgan, the roundtable will weigh the status of R&D and innovation in the Canadian healthcare sector and examine what Canada needs to do to excel in this field. The roundtable will take place immediately following the summit on Friday, October 1st in IBM's Oak Room from 12:30-2:00 p.m.
Thursday, September 30th:
7:30am | Registration and Breakfast |
8:30am | Welcome Address |
8:40am | Innovation at IBM Dr. Bernie Meyerson - VP Innovation, IBM Corp |
9:25am | Innovation is in our Name Dr. Gilles Patry - Incoming President, Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) |
10:55am | The Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Dr. Pekka Sinervo - Sr. VP Research, Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) |
1:15pm | Innovation in Life Sciences - the NRC perspective Dr. Jim Richards - Director General, Institute for Biological Sciences, NRC |
2:00pm | Panel Introduction - "How will our grandkids pay for our healthcare needs?" Moderators: Dr. Arvind Gupta, President, MITACS Panelists: Dr. Tony Amin , Director, Analytical Research & Development, Sanofie-Pasteur |
3:30pm | Panel Session - "How will our grandkids pay for our healthcare needs?" |
Friday, October 1st: | |
7:30am | Registration and Breakfast |
8:30am | Welcome Address |
8:40am | The Ontario Innovation Agenda Presented Dr. Reza Moridi - MPP and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Research & Innovation, Government of Ontario |
9:00am | Innovation in Rehab Dr. Geoff Fernie - VP Research, Toronto Rehab |
9:45am | The Artemis Project Dr. Carolyn McGregor - Canada Research Chair in Health Informatics, UOIT Dr. Andrew James - Associate Clinical Director, NICU, The Hospital for Sick Children |
11:00am | "Innovations in Medical Technology" Dr. Dave Williams - Canadian Astronaut and Professor of Surgery, McMaster University |
11:45am | Perspective of a University President Allan Rock - President, University of Ottawa |
12:30pm | End of Session |
**Please note that this agenda is subject to change.
One-on-one interviews can be arranged with the speakers listed above.
For additional details on the summit please visit:
For further information:
If you are interested in attending any portion of this year's summit please RSVP to:
Katie Zier-Vogel
Ketchum, on behalf of IBM
[email protected]
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