Have you registered for the Great British Columbia ShakeOut?
VANCOUVER, Oct. 12, 2017 /CNW/ - Join hundreds of thousands of British Columbians as they "Drop, Cover and Hold On" during the 2017 Great British Columbia ShakeOut. The BC Earthquake Alliance, Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC), and Science World, are working together to present Canada's largest earthquake preparedness drill on Thursday, October 19 at 10:19 a.m. ShakeOut is also presented with generous support from London Drugs, FortisBC , BC Hydro, HEMBC, BCAA, and Ivanhoe Cambridge. For a full list of sponsors, organizers and supporters, click here.
Register today and encourage your family, friends and colleagues to do the same at www.ShakeOutBC.ca.
"Well-rehearsed emergency plans are key to our overall level of preparedness, and each year, people across the province 'Drop, Cover and Hold On' during The Great British Columbia ShakeOut to practice what to do when an earthquake first occurs," said Jennifer Rice, Parliamentary Secretary for Emergency Preparedness in British Columbia. "I encourage all British Columbians to participate in this drill and take this opportunity to prepare an emergency kit and review emergency plans with their loved ones. A program like ShakeOut is one step we can take to protect the safety of our citizens, so let's all work together to create a more resilient British Columbia."
"Thousands of earthquakes occur every year in British Columbia. While only a few are large enough to be felt, damaging earthquakes have happened in the past and will occur in the future," said Dave Cockle, President, BC Earthquake Alliance. "By participating in the Great British Columbia ShakeOut, you, your family and your colleagues take an easy, 90 second step toward ensuring the safest action will be taken during an earthquake."
"We are thrilled to be hosting this year's annual ShakeOutBC event," said Dr. Scott Sampson, President and CEO of Science World. "British Columbia is a province that is tectonically active and understanding the science of seismology and tsunamis is an important part of emergency preparedness."
"Canada's home and business insurers play a critical role helping individuals and families recover following disaster," said Aaron Sutherland, Vice-President, Pacific, IBC. "That is why IBC is once again proud to sponsor this year's Great British Columbia ShakeOut. Governments, businesses, and consumers all need to work together to help create a culture of preparedness in British Columbia."
To learn about all the ways to participate in this year's ShakeOut BC drill, click here. Listen to the ShakeOut BC drill audio broadcast during the event to make it more informative. Click here to download the drill broadcast. For more information about IBC and the 2017 Great British Columbia ShakeOut, visit www.ibc.ca.
Note to Editors:
If you work for a TV or radio station that will be airing the drill during The Great British Columbia ShakeOut, celebrate your station's commitment to earthquake preparedness by listing its name on the BC ShakeOut website. Just fill out this form.
A media advisory will be issued on October 17th and 18th inviting media to attend Science World for the main media event, presented by Insurance Bureau of Canada, on ShakeOut BC Day October 19th
About ShakeOut BC
ShakeOut BC earthquake drills help people at home, school and work practise how to be safe during an earthquake and provide an opportunity for everyone to improve their overall preparedness. By participating, you, your family, your co-workers and millions of others will be better prepared to survive and recover quickly following an earthquake. As of today, 38 million people worldwide are registered to participate in the October 19th drill, including more than 732,000 British Columbians currently registered to participate. Last year over 800,000 British Columbians participated.
About Science World
Science World British Columbia is a charitable organization that engages British Columbians in science and inspires future science and technology leadership throughout our province.
About Insurance Bureau of Canada
Insurance Bureau of Canada (IBC) is the national industry association representing Canada's private home, auto and business insurers. Its member companies make up 90% of the property and casualty (P&C) insurance market in Canada. For more than 50 years, IBC has worked with governments across the country to help make affordable home, auto and business insurance available for all Canadians. IBC supports the vision of consumers and governments trusting, valuing and supporting the private P&C insurance industry. It champions key issues and helps educate consumers on how best to protect their homes, cars, businesses and properties.
If you require more information, spokespeople from IBC and the Great British Columbia ShakeOut are available to discuss the details in this media release.
SOURCE Insurance Bureau of Canada

To schedule an interview, please contact: Great British Columbia ShakeOut, Media Relations, [email protected]; Andrew McGrath, Manager, Media Relations, Insurance Bureau of Canada, 416.362.2031 ext. 4312, [email protected]; Jason Bosher, Communications Coordinator, Science World British Columbia, 604.443.7470, [email protected]
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