Champlain is deeply concerned by the call for independence by the unions at our St. Lawrence Campus Français
SHERBROOKE, QC, Feb. 20, 2015 /CNW Telbec/ - For over 40 years, Champlain Regional College has been a strong and effective voice for English college education in Québec. Together, our three Campuses (Lennoxville, St. Lambert, and St. Lawrence) have provided for the post-secondary needs of Anglophones east of the Island of Montreal. More importantly, as demonstrated in our College-Wide Strategic Action Plan and the Campus-Based Annual Operational Plans, we have consistently respected the culture and unique nature of our Campuses.
"Champlain is proud of the fact that each campus has complete autonomy in determining the nature of the programs and services offered to their students, including but certainly not limited to, the choice of government approved pre-university and technical programs, services to students, extra-curricular activities, continuing education programs and services to business and industry. All one needs to do to understand all that is possible in the Champlain context is to visit our Campuses' websites and consider the programs and services offered. It is the networking of our Campuses and the sharing of services that enhances our ability to provide quality programs to the English community and Québec society as a whole", affirmed Director General, Ken Robertson.
It is important to note that because of the exceptional quality of our programs and services, a significant portion of Champlain students comes from the French sector, choosing to use the college experience as an opportunity to enrich their capacity to function in both English and French. The recently appointed St. Lawrence Campus Director, Edward Berryman, noted, "The majority of our students come from the French secondary sector. These exceptional students master the English language and gain a key advantage in today's business and industry environment."
In the present climate of financial restraint and institutional accountability, the government has focused on reducing and consolidating administrative costs. "Champlain is often used as an exemplary mode of how the sharing of services can reduce administrative costs to the benefit of programs and services to students", declared Jessica Mercier, the Director of Financial Services.
An excellent example of the College administration working with the campuses is the systematic improvement and expansion of College facilities. As noted by the Director of Material Resources, Yves Rainville, "All of our Campuses have benefited from the strong relationship with government that has generated confidence in the College's capacity to effectively manage significant construction projects, the most recent of which is the St. Lawrence Campus multi-functional space expansion."
Michael Murray, Chairperson of the Champlain Board of Governors, concluded, "Champlain offers the best of both worlds… the College provides the sharing of administrative services to reduce the impact of financial austerity and the support needed to respond to government accountability requirements… while offering our Campuses autonomy to select the academic programs and services they believe are needed within their communities."
SOURCE Champlain Regional College

Nancy Chrétien, Office of the Secretary General, (819) 564-3600 Ext. 697
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