CALGARY, June 25, 2015 /CNW/ - This week, Cosette Swart, 4, possibly the youngest member of Canada's art community is holding her first gallery showing in her hometown of Calgary. Compared to Jackson Pollack, her pieces sell for hundreds of dollars, and go faster than she can create them. The three-day gallery exhibit consists of 20 of her colourful works. This event, hosted in partnership with World Vision, gives Canadians a glimpse of some of her new works along with paintings that generated much discussion earlier this year, showing how this young prodigy was changing the world one brush stroke at a time.
Cosette donates the proceeds of her work to charitable causes, including the World Vision Gift Catalogue that gives Canadians the opportunity to help families and communities around the world through their gift-giving. Members of the public are invited to the free exhibit being held June 25-June 27 daily 10 a.m.-6p.m. at Manning Centre, 514 11 Ave SW, Calgary.
"I'm nervous and excited to lead people around showing them my paintings because I like being a leader. I want other people to please help the poor people."
- Cosette Swart, 4-year-old artist
"Cosette's art, and the buzz she's created in the art world is fascinating. Equally amazing is that at age four she recognizes the needs of others, and is using her talent as a way to help children around the world. We're such fans of Cosette and are impressed with her heart to help people through the World Vision Gift Catalogue."
- Barbara Acampado, World Vision Gift Catalogue manager
Cosette or Kristy-Anne (Cosette's mom) Swart
Barbara Acampado, World Vision Gift Catalogue manager
Quick Facts:
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What Canadians can do:
Buy an art piece from Cosette or something for a family or community in need from the World Vision Gift Catalogue as Cosette has done.
World Vision is a Christian relief, development, and advocacy organization working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families, and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. Inspired by our Christian values, World Vision is dedicated to working with the world's most vulnerable people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender.
SOURCE World Vision Canada
Image with caption: "Four-year-old Cosette Swart poses with one of her new pieces that is displayed at her first exhibit. (CNW Group/World Vision Canada)". Image available at:
For interviews contact:
Sarah Bartley (905) 565-6200 ext. 4054 or [email protected]
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