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Cision is committed to distributing quality news from verified sources. Your information is essential for us to qualify you as an authorized sender of news releases on behalf of your organization.

Release Terms
Release Terms
GDPR Consent
Terms and Conditions
Canada Terms and Conditions

A Cision Account Representative will contact you by the next business day to complete your registration. Please expect a call from an (877) area code.

If you need immediate assistance, please call: +1 (877) 269-7890.

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Cision Canada clients receive access to:

The industry's largest distribution network to share your story with your audience
Online Member Center, where you can securely manage and distribute your content
Visibility Reports, for tracking ROI with detailed reporting
Media Studio, a multimedia management tool that makes your brand assets available at any time, for any project.
Editorial Services that connect you with our expert proofreading and optimization team