The Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais Foundation launches a new advertising campaign to promote healthy emotional and relational lifestyle habits
MONTRÉAL, March 4, 2019 /CNW Telbec/ - The Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais Foundation called upon youth to improve their relational skills and multiply prosocial behaviours today when it released two new advertisements promoting healthy emotional and relational lifestyle habits. The clips will be broadcast on TVA, ICI Radio-Canada, CBC, and a long version will be available on social media. Conceptualized by Ogilvy and produced by Maxime Giroux from Les Enfants advertising production company, this campaign was made possible by contributions from the Quebec Secrétariat à la jeunesse.
The campaign presents two videos that immerse us directly in a superhero universe where villains are featured in various contexts: aboard public transit and at work. The villains re-enact some of the most common incivilities of everyday life, but as if they were in a sci-fi movie. At the end of the videoclips, we leave the fantasy world and the camera shifts to young people doing good deeds. The message is clear: No one likes a villain in real life. Be a hero. Stand up for kindness. Indeed, "although the villain is often charismatic and endearing on screen, the opposite is more often the case in real life, as shown in this new campaign, explained Antoine Dasseville, Artistic Director for Ogilvy. We don't want "villains" in real life; we'd rather they stay in the movies."
"We thought the parallel with the superhero universe would help us get the message across to young people, added Simon Blaquière, copywriter for Ogilvy. This way, we get to raise their awareness without lecturing them."
For Jasmin Roy, President of the Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais Foundation, there's no question about it: "caring has to become a way of life in order to maintain good relationships with our peers and create a more optimistic society. First and foremost, we need to motivate young people by reinforcing healthy emotional and relational lifestyle habits, exemplified through good deeds on a daily basis."
According to Samuel Poulin, Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier for the youth axis of the Quebec government, developing these habits is essential: "Acquiring healthy relationship habits as early as possible helps us become a well-balanced adult with all the tools necessary to tackle the challenges life throws our way. Our youth represent an incredible force in our society, and I commend this high-profile project for promoting a united and caring world for them to grow up in."
The Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais Foundation
Created in 2010, the primary mission of the Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais Foundation is to fight bullying, violence and discrimination against elementary and secondary school children. Its goal is to promote caring environments for students by supporting and organizing various initiatives that provide more effective intervention with victims, aggressors and witnesses. The Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais Foundation team is committed to finding long-term solutions to the problems of violence and bullying in all walks of life and engaging in mental health prevention with affected youth. Jasmin Roy and Sophie Desmarais, the Foundation's patron, are now registered as representatives of civil society with the United Nation's Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
SOURCE Fondation Jasmin Roy Sophie Desmarais

Morgane Lopez, [email protected], 1-514-993-5571; Laurence Lafforgue-Lapointe, [email protected], 1-514-583-1316
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