"Bouncing Back Through COVID-19" is the Must-Have Handbook on How to Overcome Pandemic Burnout Français
"Bouncing Back Through COVID-19: Overcoming Burnout A Year into the Pandemic"
Amazon Paperback and Kindle e-book
PUB Date: March 20, 2021
Price: $11.99 CAD
Pages: 219
ISBN-13 979-8725197082
"Embracing CJ Calvert's wonderful words around our priorities, balance, attitude, and love of life will lessen the need for any prescription drug not only during COVID-19 but through any hardship we will endure in our life."
- Stephen B. Stokl, M.D., F.R.C.P.(C)
Former Chief of Psychiatry, Southlake Regional Health Centre
AJAX, ON, April 20, 2021 /CNW/ -- COVID-19 has impacted every part of our society, with people battling both the health implications of the virus and the economic and mental health impact of lockdowns. In his new book, "Bouncing Back Through COVID-19: Overcoming Burnout A Year into the Pandemic" (Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing; Trade Paperback Original; $11.99; published March 20, 2021) leading corporate speaker CJ Calvert gives readers a toolbox full of practical applications to live life to the fullest during this strenuous time.
CJ Calvert has addressed thousands of corporate audiences over the last two decades, including such world-class organizations as IBM, Bank of Montreal, and General Electric. Over this last year, CJ has helped his clients support their staff through COVID-19. What people are experiencing now is BURNOUT – the emotional and physical exhaustion wrought by twelve months of their pandemic experience. While burnout was an expected consequence for our heroic front-line workers, it has surprisingly affected people from all walks of life, including students and those working safely from home. "Bouncing Back Through COVID-19" will reveal the key strategies and insights that CJ has developed and shared with tens of thousands of audience members to help them increase resilience, balance, gratitude, physical energy, and well-being, manage Zoom fatigue and reduce daily stress.
With heartfelt anecdotes and meaningful exercises, readers will learn powerful guidelines to navigate pandemic burnout, including:
- Strategically carving out five-minute "joy breaks"
- Understanding how our personal story influences our emotional experience
- Recharging our physical energy levels by taking small, simple steps towards a healthier lifestyle
To arrange a media appearance or interview, please contact CJ Calvert directly.
CJ Calvert
Speaker and Author
[email protected]
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