GLAD is inspiring Canadians to help support beautification efforts in the places they live
TORONTO, June 11, 2021 /CNW/ - Our public spaces are more important than ever as we look for ways to get together safely outdoors at a distance. The pandemic has put a strain on municipalities and between increased use and overworked services, these spaces have become full of unsightly litter that is harmful to people and the planet. This June, GLAD will launch its first annual 'GLAD for Change' clean-up program calling on Canadians to lean in and show their pride and support for their communities by spending time throughout the summer to help clean their community. GLAD is encouraging each Canadian to commit to picking up 50 pieces of litter. The goal is to inspire others to take part, while still abiding by and respecting the COVID-19 rules and regulations in their area.
"GLAD for Change is an opportunity for Canadians to think of the importance of these spaces and support overworked municipalities by playing an active role in cleaning them up," says Melanie Plaz Casado, Vice President of Marketing for Clorox Canada (GLAD). "It can be hard to take time out from our day-to-day routines, but we're calling on Canadians to try to collect 50 pieces of litter in their community. It isn't much but will make a big difference. With GLAD for Change, we're giving Canadians the tools to act and share their contributions."
As a brand, GLAD exists to lead the way to a better future by putting an end to irresponsible waste. By providing tools to help with proper waste diversion, GLAD has made a commitment to help divert three million tonnes of waste from landfills by 2030. By working together, Canadians can help achieve this goal.
Canadians are being encouraged to participate in the GLAD for Change movement and make a big impact in their community through a variety of ways. They can download the One Piece a Day App (, to track their personal contribution to this national event. Share a picture or post from a clean-up using the #GLADforChange hashtag to inspire friends and family members to take action. The One Piece a Day App is a Canadian app that allows users to log the waste they collect and see the impact of their actions on a national scale.
To kick off the movement, GLAD has provided 25,000 households with a free clean-up kit. The kit includes black, blue and white GLAD bags to help with waste and recycling collection.
"Participation can be small and just involve you and your family. Or you can inspire others to participate by organizing a clean-up for people in your bubble or calling on neighbours to collect 50 pieces as well," says Plaz Casado. "The point is to be a catalyst for change because we all play a role in beautifying our communities and keeping Canada clean."
Canadians can visit to learn more and download the app at
Media Contacts: Adrienne Harry, [email protected] or Katherine Hamilton, [email protected]
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