Within this strong growth in imports, as much as €50 million come from European Union countries. Italy is the leading exporter of olive oil and extra virgin olive oil to Canada, ahead of Spain, Tunisia, Greece, Turkey and Morocco, with about 21,757 tons of olive oil and extra virgin olive oil exported in 2022, predominantly extra virgin olive oil, which represents about 2/3 of total exports.
"We aim to consolidate this trend through initiatives implemented as part of the EU OLIVE OIL: QUALITY AND SUSTAINABILITY ON YOUR TABLE campaign", says Massimino Magliocchi, President of the Producer's Association Olivicola Cosentina. "We hope that this campaign can act as a driving force, not only for our olive oil production – the origin of the product is regulated and certified (the PGI quality label certified oil from Calabria is 50% organic) - but also for other certified products, which, first and foremost, will benefit the daily diet of Canadian consumers."
"For this reason, we would like to highlight," Magliocchi continues, "that even if olive oil is not a typical ingredient in traditional Canadian cuisine, its consumption has increased significantly, indicating how familiar it has become to Canadian consumers."
Consumers are increasingly aware of the countless benefits that olive oil and extra virgin olive oil bring not only for their nutritional value, but in other areas they hold equally dear: for example, environmental protection, guaranteed thanks to organic production and quality labels and the environmental sustainability that characterizes the entire supply chain, from respect for the land used for cultivation to the lowest possible use of pesticides.
Olive oil and extra virgin olive oil are, therefore, healthy and safe products, able to guarantee quality and sustainability on your table.
Learn more: www.oliveoilfromeurope.eu

Media Contact: Manuela Barzan [email protected]
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