TORONTO, April 13, 2015 /CNW/ - The idea of swimming across the lake, singing songs around the campfire and making s'mores under the stars is no longer a far off fantasy for your child. In a couple short months, it will be time to begin the packing and preparation process. There is a lot to consider when planning for an extended stay at camp and there are many ways to ensure your child feels safe and ready to say goodbye when the bus rolls out.
Put your own anxieties aside
The decision to send your child away is a big one; as the time gets closer, panic, fear, and anxiety may set in. While it's good to talk about camp with your child leading up and discuss things that will help them adjust to a new environment, don't overwhelm them with information. Too many instructions may make them nervous – they will figure it all out when they get there. Remember, staff members have their health and safety at the top of their minds.
Choose the right items to pack
There are many unnecessary items that kids want to bring to camp – candy, electronics, crafts and more. It is good to send some comfort items such as fun stationary for writing letters home, books, and a few card games but try to stick to the essentials. Focus more on what is needed to keep clean, warm and safe. Some examples include rain gear, Natrapel repellent to ward off the bugs and After Bite for instant relief just in case repellent was applied too late. Closed-toe shoes for sports activities and cozy bedding for good sleeps will help your child feel comfortable at all times.
Pack their bags with them, not for them
It may be faster to do yourself, but letting kids help with the packing process will prepare them better. It is stressful for a child if they are unable to find what they need in their bag – especially when they are being rushed from each activity in a large group. When kids can picture where everything is, they will be able to grab important items on the fly. When packing the bags together, it is also a good time to show kids how to work everything in advance.
SOURCE Tender Corp
Image with caption: "After Bite the itch eraser - if Natrapal wasn't applied quickly enough (CNW Group/Tender Corp)". Image available at:
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