MONTRÉAL, Oct. 6, 2014 /CNW Telbec/ - Since the launch of its open innovation platform, has received 30 concrete projects proposed by leaders, organizations and businesses that want to help revitalize the city. By October 31, 2014, I see mtl organizers hope to have received up to 120 projects, which will be discussed during the major event taking place on November 17 at Place des Arts.
Take a look at the proposals submitted so far:
As part of Identity and Aspiration:
Click here and subscribe to receive new projects in this priority area
Activer le Laboratoire numérique urbain du Quartier des spectacles
By the Partenariat du Quartier des spectacles
By Eventium
Biennale sur le développement social de Montréal
By the Forum régional sur le développement social de l'Île de Montréal
La danse-thérapie comme outil de mieux-être
By Les Grands Ballets
By échoFab
Leadership Montréal
By the Conférence régionale des élus de Montréal
LUDIC (Laboratoire Universel Des Innovations Citoyennes)
by the École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS)
Le Montréal de ma génération
By the Forum jeunesse de l'île de Montréal
Réseau des ambassadeurs du Grand Montréal
By Montréal International
As part of Talent:
Click here and subscribe to receive new projects in this priority area
Festival Eurêka!
By the Conférence régionale des élus de Montréal
Projet d'accueil des étudiants internationaux
By the Vitrine culturelle de Montréal
As part of Business:
Click here and subscribe to receive new projects in this priority area
Concours d'idées sur les campus universitaires montréalais
By the Fondation Montréal inc.
Montréal, métropole du commerce solidaire
By the Chantier de l'économie sociale, Commerce Solidaire and the Pôle de l'économie sociale de l'agglomération de Longueuil
Printemps numérique (PN)
By the Conférence régionale des élus de Montréal
Projet montréalais L'économie sociale, j'achète!
By the Comité d'économie sociale de l'île de Montréal (CÉSIM) of the Conférence régionale des élus de Montréal
Le Salon 1861
By Gestion immobilière Quo Vadis Inc.
Les zones d'emploi : moteur du développement de Montréal et de ses quartiers
By the Réseau des CDEC de Montréal
As part of Environment:
Click here and subscribe to receive new projects in this priority area
12 travaux du sud-ouest
By Nicolas Demers-Stoddart and Sophie Wilkin
Carrefour de la création
By Paul-Émile Rioux, member and professional artist
Cinéma NDG - Un projet de revitalisation urbaine
By Elaine Ethier, Claude Michaud, Luc Plamondon, Robert Boulos and
Mario Fortin
Conserver le vieux terminal Voyageur de la rue Berri et De Maisonneuve
Des espaces de qualité à partager
By Rayside Labossière
Manivelle - le réseau des affiches intelligentes
By Espaces temps in partnership with companies specialized in industrial design, software and hardware
La Mutuelle de Taxi et Limousines de Montréal
By XPND Capital
Parcours personnalisés pour la découverte de son quartier
By Rayside Labossière
Symposium international d'art in situ
By Symfolium 2000
Technopôle Angus phase II : Un projet de développement durable parmi le top 5 mondial
By the Société de développement Angus
By Eadeh Attarzadeh, Philippe Letarte, Mikael St-Pierre and Thierry Sénécal
For details on how to take part in I see mtl, visit the "How to get involved" section of the platform by clicking here, and submit your projects by October 31.
Launched by BMO in partnership with the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal, I see mtl is a movement driven by leaders from every sphere of society who want to help restore confidence and pride in the city and its economy. On November 17, I see mtl will bring together 1,000 engaged citizens to discuss some 120 structuring, measurable projects headed up by leaders who commit to seeing them through. The ambition is to help restore Greater Montréal's momentum and bring more prosperity to the region.
SOURCE: I see mtl

Michelle LLambias Meunier, Advisor, Media Relations, Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal, Tel.: 514 871-4000, ext. 4042, [email protected]; Ronald Monet, Director - Corporate Communications, Eastern Canada, BMO Financial Group, Tel.: 514 877-1873, [email protected]
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