A case of public fraud, government negligence and willful malice: why the
Senate should not sanction Bill C-32
This past August, the federal government released its annual findings from the Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS, 2008). Once again, the government's own research clearly dispelled the myths and exposed the misrepresentations and outright lies that have come to form the foundation for Bill C-32.
According to the federal government's own survey on little cigars / cigarillos (plain or flavoured): - 92.1% of Canadians who choose to consume little cigars / cigarillos (plain or flavoured) - are of legal age to do so. - 82.3% of little cigars / cigarillos smokers are over the age of 20. - 58.3% of smokers are over the age of 25. - Among Canadians under the age of 19, 2008 actually witnessed a significant decline in smokers of little cigars/ cigarillos (plain or flavoured). Compared to 2007, there were actually 32,100 fewer little cigar / cigarillo smokers in this age group in 2008. This compares, interestingly enough, to an additional 8,731 new (non-flavoured) cigarette smokers that same year.
See graphs: http://files.newswire.ca/822/smokers.pdf
Bill C-32 is erroneously promoted as a necessary and important tool in addressing youth access to tobacco products - especially as it pertains to flavoured little cigars / cigarillos. Through a sustainable campaign of orchestrated fear and misinformation about these products and their market in
In fact: 1. The market for flavoured little cigars/cigarillos represents 0.5% of all tobacco products consumed in Canada every year. While obviously a very marginal market, it nonetheless remains a relevant one to those who trade and consume these legal products. 2. Minors are not a target for this product and, as importantly, do not predominantly represent the marketplace. More minors are finding more interest and more illegal access to non-flavoured tobacco products. 3. Bill C-32 will in no way address minors' access issues to tobacco/smoking - and Health Canada knows this. The Health Minister's own appointed experts (Ministerial Advisory Council on Tobacco Control) will have long ago conceded the point that banning tobacco products has no effective impact on youth uptake/consumption. 4. Bill C-32 will make flavoured tobacco products much more affordable and much more accessible to Canadians, especially kids - since these products will thrive on both the illicit market and within the legal native market. According to a recent study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, Canadian teens not only have significant interest in and access to illegal tobacco distribution channels but those who do consume contraband tobacco products tend to consume 40% more tobacco. 5. Bill C-32 will only come to cause financial hardship among those Canadians legally employed in this industry across Canada - while benefiting other tobacco companies and tobacco products. 6. Bill C-32 will come to re-direct tens of millions of dollars in current legitimate government revenues into the waiting hands of a thriving underground economy in tobacco products. This new funding to criminal groups will greatly fuel other illegal activities in drugs and weapons trafficking across Canada.
Casa Cubana is a Montreal-based importer of quality cigar products. Established in 1998, the company's reach extends throughout
For further information: Luc Martial, (819) 682-2352, Cell: (819) 743-9140
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