A first for Montréal - The Coderre administration makes public the analyzed results of 111 performance indicators Français
MONTRÉAL, Nov. 2, 2015 /CNW Telbec/ - Pierre Desrochers, Chairman of the Montréal Executive Committee, and Harout Chitilian, Vice-Chairman of the Executive Committee responsible for the administrative reform, smart city, information technologies and youth, today made public the analyzed results of 111 performance indicators. The publication of these indicators is the result of two benchmarking activities that were carried out by Montréal's Service de la performance organisationnelle (organizational performance department).
"In 2014, Montréal became a member of the OMBI (Ontario Municipal Benchmarking Initiative), to compare its performance with that of other Canadian cities. The publication of results and the activity itself, which consisted in analyzing the results of 111 performance indicators achieved by the municipal administration, constitute a first in the city's history. We are publishing these results in the interest of transparency, to improve Montréal's organizational performance and better serve Montrealers. In doing so, we are fulfilling another commitment. Remember that since we took over at City Hall, a sharp cultural change from a functioning city to a performing and efficient city was introduced. The measures that we have introduced aim at making Montréal one of the most performing cities in Canada," said Pierre Desrochers.
Two benchmarking activities: OMBI and the Québec Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Occupation du territoire (MAMOT)
Two benchmarking activities were carried out to achieve these analyzed results. One was carried out by the Québec Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Occupation du territoire (MAMOT), involving 17 performance indicators produced for the 2010-2014 period, and the other one was carried out by the Ontario Municipal Benchmarking Initiative (OMBI), involving 94 performance indicators produced for the 2011-2014 period. According to the applicable benchmarking activity, Montréal's performance was compared with that of five other cities of similar size: Calgary, Ottawa, Québec, Toronto and Winnipeg. The 111 performance indicators produced by Montréal are listed in 18 areas of activity in connection with the city's fields of competence. Keep in mind that Montréal joined the OMBI in June 2014.
Analyzed results and Montréal's positioning
Compared to the 2014 median of the five most comparable large cities of the OMBI, Montréal's performance is inferior in 42 cases, better in 26 cases and at the median level in 19 cases, with 7 indicators that are more statistical than performance-oriented. As for the MAMOT in 2013, and compared to the City of Québec, Montréal achieved better performance in 6 cases and did not perform as well in 9 cases, with 1 indicator that is more statistical than performance-oriented. Again in the case of the MAMOT, between 2013 and 204, Montréal's performance improved in 6 cases, decreased in 6 cases and was stable in 4 cases. This exercise does not indicate the service levels offered by each city, which has a far-reaching impact on the cost of services rendered.
"Overall, the results highlight the city's strengths and improvement areas. In areas where the city does not perform as well, performance optimization workshops are already underway. We have moved forward to correct several problems that were identified. The results that were published today confirm that a lot more work has to be done in other areas of activity. The information will be very useful, because our administration can now compare itself with other administrations and target actions to enhance resident satisfaction," said Pierre Desrochers.
New visualization tool: Vue sur les indicateurs de performance
"Transparency is important for our administration. We have announced a complete overhaul of the city's open-data policy. Earlier this year, we have launched Vue sur les contrats, a visualization tool that can be used to consult city-awarded contracts and subsidies. We wish to improve transparency by making available data and information on Montréal's performance indicators. Today, we are launching the new Vue sur les indicateurs de performance site. This visualization tool is available to all who wish to consult the analyzed results of the performance indicators. In the long term, residents will benefit from the changes to be made as a result of the benchmarking activity and administrative reform that is underway," said Harout Chitilian.
Accessibility and open data
The Vue sur les indicateurs de performance site is accessible from the Ville de Montréal portal at: ville.montreal.qc.ca/vuesurlesindicateurs. This visualization tool, which was developed by the city's Service des technologies de l'information, makes available more than 100 performance indicators. It includes data regarding the OMBI and MAMOT benchmarking activity, as well as the factsheets for each of the111 performance indicators. The information will enable residents to follow the evolution of the city's performance and compare it with that of other Canadian cities.
The information on the OMBI benchmarking activities are taken from the OMBI 2014 Performance Measurement Report, which is available at: www.ombi.ca.
The information available on the Vue sur les indicateurs de performance site is also available on the city's open-data portal at: donnees.ville.montreal.qc.ca.
SOURCE Ville de Montréal - Cabinet du maire et du comité exécutif
Source: Andrée-Anne Toussaint, Attachée de presse, Cabinet du maire te du comité exécutif, 514 243-1268; Information: Gonzalo Nunez, Relationniste, Direction des communications, 514 868-1127
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