Inconvenient Doubts – Climate Change Apocalypse : Really? offers a counterweight to the climate change doctrine which claims that we are witnessing through our own fault an imminent planetary and humanitarian catastrophe. It is aimed at people who understand that science is a process of observation and discovery, not a religion.
What exactly is the consensus shared by the scientific community and the state of climate science? Is it warming or not? Are man made CO2 emissions really the sole responsible of climate change? Are extreme meteorological events really more frequent and intense? How about the IPCC's climate models and scenarios? Are they that reliable? And is Net Zero even realistic? These are some of the questions answered by the various scientists, environmentalists and economists we meet throughout this story.
"Doubt is healthy. Skepticism is healthy. Questioning, acknowledging uncertainties and bringing nuance to the state of climate research are not only essential elements of the scientific process," reminds the author. They are the sign of a healthy democracy.
At a time when the United Nations, the IPCC and the world's governments are demanding that trillions of dollars be invested in their Net Zero project, Joanne Marcotte believes that it is perfectly legitimate to press scientists and governments to provide more explanations on uncertainties and risks, and to challenge the media to offer more balanced coverage surrounding the United Nations, the IPCC and COP events.
Joanne Marcotte holds a bachelor's degree in computer engineering from Université Laval and worked for several years in the field of computer systems architecture. She also has been commenting and analyzing political news on her personal blog and in selected media since 2009. She lives near Quebec City.
Inconvenient Doubts is now available on in paperback and ebook.
A French version of the book is also available on
SOURCE Édition Joanne Marcotte

please contact the author and publisher Joanne Marcotte at [email protected]
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