Alcoholics Anonymous: Two newly developed PSAsoffer a message of hope for people with a drinking problem Français
NEW YORK, May 24, 2022 /CNW/ -- The messaging developed in our two new Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.) Public Service Announcements (PSAs), "Sobriety in A.A.: My Drinking Built a Wall" and "…When Drinking is no longer a party" share our experience that we in A.A. believe alcoholism is a disease that is no respecter of age, varying abilities, gender, creed, race, wealth, occupation or education. Our experience shows that anyone can be an alcoholic. And, beyond question, anyone who wants to stop drinking is welcome in A.A.
If you are drinking too much, if your drinking is causing problems, if you want help — A.A. offers a solution. Though not the only way to find sobriety, we in A.A. offer a no-cost solution that many recovering alcoholics have found works for them. While in many places in-person meetings are available, in recent years virtual groups have flourished, creating many new channels to connect with A.A.'s message of recovery.
The two new PSAs (:60, :30 and :15 lengths) are available to Broadcast stations in English, Spanish and French Canadian.
For additional information, visit To view a Public Service Announcement, click here. To find an A.A. meeting, download the A.A.W.S. Meeting Guide app or contact a local A.A. Central office or Intergroup Office.
Whether in person or online — if you have a drinking problem, A.A. may be able to help.
If you'd like more information for media purposes, contact the Public Information desk at the General Service Office at [email protected] or (212) 870-3119.
Contact: [email protected]
(212) 870-3119
SOURCE Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.

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