American Workers Being Sourced for Canadian Jobs
HALIFAX, May 7, 2012 /CNW/ - Canadian project management & industrial recruitment agencies are looking South of the border to fill requirements for upcoming industrial job sites across Canada.
The skilled trades shortage in Canada has prompted many companies to begin sourcing qualified workers from the United States in order to meet project requirements on time and on budget.
"The shortage of qualified workers is something that's affected Canadian hiring companies for years," says AJ Poulain, president of CanWest Industrial Support Services Inc., "but when there are mega projects being put on hold because there are no workers available, we need to start looking abroad to fill these requirements".
CanWest has been sourcing skilled workers in Canada and abroad for the last 5 years, for work primarily in the oil sands of Northern Alberta. During that time the national worker shortage has been a primary concern of many builders of the mega projects that are scheduled to begin construction.
Alberta's Oil Sands is the third-largest proven crude oil reserve in the world, next to Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. New projects are being added every year and production is expected to increase from 1.31 million barrels per day in 2008 to 3 million barrels per day in 2018, keeping pace with demand and providing a sound economic basis for the future. Skilled Trade Workers working on projects in Alberta are among the highest paid workers in the world.
"CanWest is seeking to hire thousands of American trade workers. Welders, Pipefitters, Ironworkers, Electricians and Industrial Insulators are at the top of the list to be recruited. The United States is a prime source for workers because of the struggling economy as well as the excellent skill level which is very comparable to their Canadian counterparts " Poulain said.
Mr Poulain feels that a great relationship with its southern neighbors will benefit economies of the United States as well as Canada. Both economies have taken a hit in recent years. With Canadian industrial projects being put on hold because we can't find the workers while the American unemployment rate continues to rise, we believe sourcing skilled labour from the United States is a win-win-win situation.
CanWest Industrial is quickly becoming one of Canada's most respected industrial project management companies securing employment for thousands of skilled trade workers.
AJ. Poulain,
[email protected]
Can-West Industrial Support Services Inc
1959 Upper Water Street, Suite 1733
Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada
Ph: +1 (855) 310 4663
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