MONTRÉAL, Dec. 16, 2014 /CNW Telbec/ - AMI-télé, the world's first French-language network to present its entire schedule with open described video, goes on air today. "It is a big day for the blind or partially sighted, a defining moment in the journey towards media accessibility for all of those who cannot enjoy television in its traditional format," says David Errington, President of Accessibilité Média Inc.
Beginning today, AMI-télé will offer a rich and varied schedule made up of popular recent television programs and major classics from here and abroad. In the spring, AMI-télé will add original public service and information programming. "Our mission is to both listen and to give a voice. Our programming will meet the clearly expressed need for an entirely accessible television schedule that is varied and includes both information and entertainment as well as the best of what various local and international networks have to offer. Major networks, producers, the UDA, everyone has been very generous and welcomed the arrival of AMI-télé enthusiastically. Thanks to these partners, AMI-télé will be able to offer a rich and varied schedule," said Philippe Lapointe, Vice-President, Programming and Production, AMI-télé.
"On the other hand, AMI-télé's original programming has the specific mandate to serve and inform our community about the issues that are of concern to them. It is essential for us to provide a place for expression to those in our society who have less of a voice," Lapointe says.
AMI-télé's schedule offers a significant number of the most popular programming that will finally be accessible to all thanks to open described video for the visually impaired and to closed captioning for the hearing impaired – amongst them:
- Les beaux malaises
- CSI New York
- Une femme exemplaire
- Sexe à New York
- Les hauts et les bas de Sophie Paquin
- Annie et ses hommes
- L'auberge du chien noir
- Les belles histoires des pays d'en haut
- Enquête
- Tout le monde en parlait
- L'épicerie
- Colombo
- Patrouille du cosmos
"We are very pleased with the schedule's balance; it offers both classics and more recent programs. There is something for everyone!" says Isabella Federigi, Director of Programming.
Beginning this spring, AMI-télé will offer original productions hosted by Luc Fortin. These programs will offer in-depth interviews as well as informative and public service content on a variety of topics (finance, food, wellbeing, psychology, etc.). Luc Fortin, who is very involved with the visually impaired, is a well-known personality who is appreciated by the listeners of Vues et Voix radio.
One hundred percent of AMI-télé's programming is offered in open described video, in other words integrated in the programs, so the described video is directly accessible and does not require a decoder or a remote control.
AMI-télé's arrival will have the immediate effect of creating a considerable increase in the supply and quality of described video in the market. AMI-télé will have 750 hours of new described video produced in its first year for existing programs. As well, AMI-télé undertakes to give the files to the producers so that these programs will become part of the available inventory.
AMI-télé created a best practices committee along with the most important described video production houses to ensure the highest level of quality, since all participants have agreed to adhere to the resulting practices.
On the new AMI-télé website, you can find a complete description of its mission and programming details. It is also possible to search, by date and broadcast time, the programs presented with described video for all channels. A valuable tool for viewers who need it!
AMI-télé is the world's first French-language network to present its entire schedule with open described video, that is to say with narrated description integrated into all of its programming. Located in downtown Montréal, the service is primarily intended for the blind or partially sighted, but also for people who are unable to enjoy television in its current form. This new generalist network will be offered as part of the basic service package offered by all satellite and cable companies to their subscribers. This mandatory distribution status was granted by the CRTC to AMI-télé because of its exceptional contribution to attaining the objectives of the Canadian Broadcasting Act.
Accessibilité Média Inc. (AMI) is a not-for-profit multimedia organization operating three broadcast services AMI-télé (in French), AMI-TV (in English) and AMI-audio (in English) as well as two websites, and AMItélé.ca. Serving more than five million Canadians who are blind, partially sighted, deaf, hard of hearing, mobility or print restricted, AMI's mission is to make excellent accessible media for all Canadians. With its open described video and its choice of content, inclusion is central to all of AMI's activities.

Roy & Turner Communications, Elisabeth Roy, 514 844-9678, ext. 205, [email protected], Stéphanie Coeurjoly, 514-844-9678, ext. 208, [email protected]
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