Anti-counterfeit legislation welcomed by consumer packaged goods manufacturers
TORONTO, March 1, 2013 /CNW/ - The Combating Counterfeit Products Act tabled by the federal government is a strong step towards stopping counterfeit goods from entering the Canadian marketplace.
Food & Consumer Products of Canada (FCPC) members have been sounding the alarm about counterfeit goods as they pose a risk to the health and safety of Canadians and hurt the economy.
Providing Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) with the authority to take action against commercial movement of counterfeit and pirated goods at the border, and introducing new criminal offences for commercial trademark counterfeiting are much needed actions welcome by FCPC.
The legislation sends a strong signal the Harper government is taking the necessary steps to address this growing issue.
Advocating for action and bringing greater awareness to the presence of counterfeit goods in the market has been a priority issue for FCPC and our members. FCPC looks forward to continue working with the government on this key issue.
"Counterfeit goods are a very real threat to the health and safety of Canadians. Their presence in the marketplace poses a risk to Canadians, hurts our economy and doesn't benefit anyone except criminals. Food & Consumer Products of Canada and our members applaud the Harper government for taking strong and decisive action to address counterfeit at the border and we will continue to work with them to support these efforts."
- FCPC President & CEO, Nancy Croitoru
- In the RCMP's 2011 Intellectual Property Crime Stats Report, Canadian law enforcement noted that the percentage of occurrences involving harmful counterfeit products has more than doubled over the past 6 years - from 11.2% in 2005 to 25.8% in 2011.
- In 2011, 210 cases of harmful counterfeit products were investigated in Canada, including commodity types such as pharmaceuticals, electrical products and consumer electronics, as well as toys, batteries, toiletries and household products.
Food & Consumer Products of Canada is Canada's largest industry association representing the companies that manufacture and distribute the vast majority of food, beverage and consumer goods found on store shelves. Our members provide jobs to almost 300,000 Canadians, and include small and large; multi-nationals and Canadian-owned companies. Learn more at
SOURCE: Food and Consumer Products of Canada
Adam Grachnik
Food & Consumer Products of Canada
(416) 510-8088
[email protected]
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