AQDMD brings an end to its involvement in Ginette Leblanc's court case
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Quebec Association for the Right to Die with Dignity (AQDMD)Feb 07, 2013, 09:58 ET
MONTREAL, Feb. 7, 2013 /CNW Telbec/ - Mrs. Ginette Leblanc has died. Members of the Quebec Association for the Right to Die with Dignity - AQDMD will fondly remember her and her loved ones' constant support. Ginette Leblanc valiantly fought to obtain the right to obtain assistance in putting an end to her suffering once she would have deemed that it had become unbearable. But it was not to be. We nevertheless hope that her fight to secure this right will indeed prove beneficial to others.
Ginette Leblanc's courage has contributed to bringing closer to fruition the expressed opinion of a majority of Quebecers that they should have the right to obtain medical assistance in dying painlessly and with dignity. It is for her and so many others who unfortunately share similar health conditions that the AQDMD will relentlessly continue to secure this right. Ginette Leblanc's fight was and is our fight.
As soon as Mrs. Leblanc filed her motion, the AQDMD worked with her as intervener in the legal proceedings. We could not have done so without the pro bono support of Patrick Ferland, Marie-Josée Hogue, Véronique Roy and Mélissa McMahon-Mathieu, lawyers with the legal firm of Heenan Blaikie. It was indeed a privilege to work with them.
SOURCE: Quebec Association for the Right to Die with Dignity (AQDMD)
Hélène Bolduc
AQDMD - Association québécoise pour le droit de mourir dans la dignité
(514) 341-4017
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