BC government proposes wolf cull expansion after admitting it is inhumane
GOLDEN, BC, Jan. 20, 2017 /CNW/ - An internal BC government document revealed plans to expand its wolf cull despite admitting that there is no humane way to do so. The plan proposes to extend aerial gunning and/or use of strangling snares to eradicate wolves in the Revelstoke area, under the guise of preventing the local extinction of Southern Mountain (Woodland) caribou.
Twenty conservation and animal welfare organizations across North America are outraged by the proposal, opposing the cull on the grounds that protection of caribou habitat has not been established and removal of apex predators causes ecological repercussions.
Furthermore, the killing methods violate Canadian Council on Animal Care standards, with research showing that aerial gunning and snaring cause distress and agony. A minimum of 288 wolves have been killed using these methods in the South Peace and South Selkirk caribou regions over the past 2 winters.
The proposal was leaked following the recent announcement by the Alberta government to continue culling wolves in Little Smoky caribou habitat, where 95% of the herd's range has been disturbed by resource extraction.
Read the full media release: http://wolfawarenessinc.org/ngos-outraged-as-bc-government-admits-culling-of-wolves-is-inhumane-yet-considers-cull-expansion/
SOURCE Animal Alliance of Canada

Sadie Parr, Wolf Awareness: 1-250-272-4695
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