Ontario Science Centre Hosts New Exhibition That Takes Visitors on an Out-of-this-World Tour
TORONTO, Oct. 2, 2012 /CNW/ - An elevator to transport people to the moon, an inflatable habitat for living in space, a sleek new spacesuit for a stroll on Mars: These are some of the fascinating exhibits in Beyond Planet Earth: The Future of Space Exploration. This new exhibition, at the Ontario Science Centre from October 3, 2012, through January 1, 2013, offers a thought-provoking vision of the future of space exploration as it boldly explores our next steps in our solar system and beyond. Visitors will follow humanity's journey to explore the next frontier, from Sputnik 1 in the 1950s to a robotic submersible that could search for life on Jupiter's moon Europa in the future. Beyond Planet Earth: The Future of Space Exploration is locally presented by UrtheCast.
"Since 1969 when the Ontario Science Centre opened, weeks after Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon, and when, a few years later people lined up by the thousands to view our moon rocks, public interest in programs, films and exhibitions related to space has been very strong; Beyond Planet Earth will be a must-see for anyone wanting to learn more about exploring the universe. The historic review will remind people of the excitement of the early Gemini and Apollo missions while future focused elements will stimulate us to consider the future potential of space exploration," said Lesley Lewis, CEO, Ontario Science Centre. "As the Mars Rover Curiosity takes photos and analyzes samples of the red planet millions of kilometers away, reporting in daily to its Facebook friends, our visitors will see a life-sized model of Curiosity and walk through a representation of the landscape it is exploring."
The exhibition features an interactive electronic touch table game lets participants transform Mars by changing the atmosphere and surface conditions to create a habitable planet, or destroy it. Other displays allow visitors to "sniff the moon" or step inside a space suit prototype for a photo-op.
"After seeing this exhibition, some of our younger visitors may dream about whether they'll be able to travel into space in their lifetimes," said Dr. Hooley McLaughlin, Vice-President, Science Experience and Chief Science Officer, Ontario Science Centre. "Beyond Planet Earth may also spark an interest in aerospace engineering, astrophysics and other potential careers in space exploration."
The exhibition is on loan from the American Museum of Natural History in New York. It includes original artifacts from previous space missions, scale models of prototypes and even samples of astronaut food.
"While we can't predict what the spaceships carrying us and our robots will look like, we do know where we're going, the challenges of getting there, and the opportunities available when we arrive at destinations as alien as anything out of Star Trek," said Michael Shara, Curator in the Department of Astrophysics at the American Museum of Natural History and Curator of Beyond Planet Earth.
Beyond Planet Earth: The Future of Space Exploration is organized by the American Museum of Natural History, New York (www.amnh.org) in collaboration with Madatech: The Israel National Museum of Science, Technology & Space, Haifa, Israel.
Media Partner: Toronto Star.
About UrtheCast
Earth Video Camera Inc. (operating as 'UrtheCast') is a company created around a unique vision: to provide the world's first near-live HD video feed of Earth, from space. Working with renowned aerospace partners from across the globe, UrtheCast is building, launching, installing, and operating two cameras on the Russian segment of the International Space Station. Video data collected by the cameras will be downlinked to ground stations across the planet and displayed in near-realtime on the UrtheCast web platform, or distributed directly to exclusive partners and customers. UrtheCast will provide this interactive platform and Earth imagery for internet users, app developers, educators, media outlets, government bodies, humanitarian relief organizations, and environmental monitoring services.
About the Ontario Science Centre
The Ontario Science Centre delights, informs and challenges the communities we serve, enriching people's lives and understanding through engagement with science of local, national and global relevance. Since 1969, the Ontario Science Centre has welcomed over 45 million visitors, with an interactive approach that was the model for Science Centres around the world. It is the public centre for innovative thinking and provocative dialogue in science and technology, aiming to inspire a lifelong journey of curiosity, discovery and action to create a better future for the planet. The Ontario Science Centre is an agency of the Government of Ontario. Please visit us at Ontariosciencecentre.ca. Facebook: www.Facebook.com/OntarioScienceCentre. Twitter: @OntScienceCtr.
YouTube: www.YouTube.com/user/OntarioScienceCentre.
Video with caption: "Beyond Planet Earth: The Future of Space Exploration is on display at the Ontario Science Centre until January 1, 2013. ". Video available at: http://stream1.newswire.ca/cgi-bin/playback.cgi?file=20121002_C3485_VIDEO_EN_18741.mp4&posterurl=http://photos.newswire.ca/images/20121002_C3485_PHOTO_EN_18741.jpg&clientName=Ontario%20Science%20Centre&caption=Beyond%20Planet%20Earth%3A%20The%20Future%20of%20Space%20Exploration%20is%20on%20display%20at%20the%20Ontario%20Science%20Centre%20until%20January%201%2C%202013%2E%20%0D%0A%0D%0A&title=ONTARIO%20SCIENCE%20CENTRE%20%2D%20Ontario%20Science%20Centre%20Hosts%20New%20Exhibition%20That%20Takes%20Visitors%20on%20an%20Out%2Dof%2Dthis%2DWorld%20Tour&headline=Ontario%20Science%20Centre%20Hosts%20New%20Exhibition%20That%20Takes%20Visitors%20on%20an%20Out%2Dof%2Dthis%2DWorld%20Tour
Image with caption: "Teacher Grace Lauretti-Martin with students Vedika Arekar and Selina Liao from Toronto's Forest Manor Public School imagine they're exploring Mars in the new exhibition Beyond Planet Earth: The Future of Space Exploration, on at the Ontario Science Centre until January 1, 2013. (CNW Group/Ontario Science Centre)". Image available at: http://photos.newswire.ca/images/download/20121002_C3485_PHOTO_EN_18782.jpg
Image with caption: "Students Hasan Nuraliev, Vedika Arekar and Selina Liao from Toronto's Forest Manor Public School check out the history of space exploration in the new exhibition Beyond Planet Earth: The Future of Space Exploration, on at the Ontario Science Centre until January 1, 2013. (CNW Group/Ontario Science Centre)". Image available at: http://photos.newswire.ca/images/download/20121002_C3485_PHOTO_EN_18781.jpg
SOURCE: Ontario Science Centre
Media contacts:
Christine Crosbie, Media Relations Officer
Ontario Science Centre
416-696-3191 Cell: 416-895-5482
[email protected]
Jefferson Darrell, Media Relations Officer
Ontario Science Centre
[email protected]
Guided by our mission to inspire passion for the human adventure of discovery, the Ontario Science Centre strives to be a global leader in lifelong learning, a vital link in Ontario’s education and innovation ecosystems and a convener of public dialogue about technology,...
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