Blood smeared truck exposes suffering cows inside
TORONTO, Sept. 6, 2016 /CNW/ - On August 30, 2016 at 1:30 am, an animal transport truck was observed pulling into a rest stop near Cambridge Ontario. The truck with a Manitoba license plate was full of dairy cows with fresh blood observed along the side of the trailer.
Video footage and pictures documented an injured and freshly bleeding cow and another cow down. The individual documenting the incident stayed with the truck for approximately 45 minutes but observed no driver in or near the truck.
The individual laid a complaint with both the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, complete with video and picture documentation.
But obvious questions arise from this incident - How far were these animals transported? Why were distressed animals left in the truck for as long as an hour at the rest stop?
Such incidents highlight a broken animal transportation system that cannot protect farm animals from such extreme suffering during transport. We call upon the federal Minister of Agriculture to bring forward transportation legislation that actually protects the animals during transport.
SOURCE Animal Alliance of Canada

Amber Jionet, 519-200-3438 or Liz White, 416-462-9541 (23)
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