BP Canada Surprises Local Classrooms with $10,000 Energy Education Grants
CALGARY, May 23, 2014 /CNW/ - BP Canada is proud to announce that 15 schools in Calgary will be the honoured recipients of BP A+ for Energy grants. BP Canada employees will surprise the winning local teachers and their students with grant cheques for $10,000 at the schools today.
"I think I speak for everyone at BP when I say how proud we are of the impact A+ for Energy has had and continues to have with Alberta schools," says Stephen Willis, President and Chairman of BP Canada. "The goal is to create energy knowledge among young students and these grants help them bring innovative energy projects to life, providing hands-on experience for students."
BP's A+ for Energy is an energy education program, developed by BP to recognize teachers for innovation and excellence in teaching energy and energy conservation in the classroom. Since 2007, BP Canada has provided over $3 million to support energy projects across Alberta, benefitting more than 68,500 students.
This year, 41 A+ for Energy grants will be awarded across Alberta. Attached is a list of winning schools and teachers. Full details on winning projects will be released later this month once all teachers have been notified.
For more information about the A+ for Energy project please visit aplusforenergy.ca.
Locations: Winning schools in the Calgary community
Award date: May 23, 2014

Melanie Ducharme, BP Canada, 403-233-1565, [email protected]; Christina Lynes, SAW, 403-294-1700 ext. 225, [email protected]
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