INRS launches Les voix multiples, a podcast featuring LGBTQ2+ individuals to raise awareness of issues related to sexual and gender diversity in academia.
MONTRÉAL, May 17, 2022 /CNW Telbec/ - As part of the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS) is launching Les voix multiples, a four-episode podcast aimed at raising awareness about the reality of LGBTQ2+ communities in the academic world, whether they are students, employees, or faculty members.
When it feels right, attending a university can be a transformative and fulfilling experience whether you're working or studying there. But despite efforts in recent years to make academia as welcoming and inclusive as possible for members of LGBTQ2+ communities, barriers remain. What changes must be made to create environments where people can fully be themselves?
That is the central question for INRS in this podcast that highlights the life journeys of six LGBTQ2+ members of its community. We discover the challenges they have encountered and their thoughts on how to make the university environment a better ally for their development.
"It is important for INRS to ensure that all members of its community are respected, that they feel safe, and they enjoy the same benefits. Everyone must contribute to maintaining an inclusive and safe environment for people of sexual and gender diversity. It's a collective effort", says Philippe-Edwin Bélanger, Director of Student Life and Studies Services at INRS.
"With this podcast, we hope to provide food for thought on the role universities must play to be as inclusive as possible," he adds.
The podcast series was produced by INRS and directed by RECréation. The project was made possible thanks to funding from the ministère de l'Enseignement supérieur du Québec. Les voix multiples is available today, May 17, on all main listening platforms and at
Les voix multiples project is part of a larger initiative to raise awareness for equity, diversity, and inclusion among LGBTQ2+ individuals called « À l'INRS, toutes les variables sont incluses ! » (At INRS, we include all variables).
Thank you to INRS participants: Amélie, Géraldine, Maude, Mathilde, Simon, and Steven.
INRS is a university dedicated exclusively to graduate level research and training. Since its creation in 1969, INRS has played an active role in Québec's economic, social, and cultural development and is ranked first for research intensity in Québec. INRS is made up of four interdisciplinary research and training centres in Québec City, Montréal, Laval, and Varennes, with expertise in strategic sectors: Eau Terre Environnement, Énergie Matériaux Télécommunications, Urbanisation Culture Société, and Armand-Frappier Santé Biotechnologie. The INRS community includes more than 1,500 students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty members, and staff.
RECréation est un studio créatif consacré à la production de balados ainsi que de projets et d'évènements audio dont les bureaux sont situés à Longueuil et à Montréal. Nous explorons tous les genres – documentaire, fiction, jeunesse, enquête – avec des séries à succès comme Pourquoi Julie? (QUB Radio), Bododo (Ohdio, Radio-Canada) et La nuit des longs couteaux (Télé-Québec).
Production: Soraya Elbekkali
Original music and narration: Antoine Bédard
Editing: Emma Bertin
Recording and mixing: Studio Bulldog
SOURCE Institut National de la recherche scientifique (INRS)

Julie Robert, Service des communications et des affaires publiques de l'INRS, 514 971-4747, [email protected]
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