/C O R R E C T I O N from Source -- Mounted Police Professional Association of Canada (MPPAC)/
In the news release, Mounted Police Professional Association of Canada (MPPAC) Intervention in St. Albert Case Leads to Changes at RCMP, issued 27-Apr-2017 by Mounted Police Professional Association of Canada (MPPAC) over CNW, we are advised by the company that the 2nd paragraph should read "Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC)" rather than "Economic Skills and Development Canada (ESDC)" as originally issued inadvertently. The complete, corrected release follows:
Mounted Police Professional Association of Canada (MPPAC) Intervention in St. Albert Case Leads to Changes at RCMP
SURREY, BC, April 27, 2017 /CNW/ - The Mounted Police Professional Association of Canada (MPPAC) says the safety of police officers and the public will improve as the RCMP implements directives (see below) following the on-duty death of Constable David Wynn and wounding of Auxiliary Constable Derek Bond.
The RCMP sent correspondence to MPPAC stating that it has dropped its appeal of the direction issued by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), the agency that oversees the health and safety of federal employees.
The directives from the ESDC will enhance the safety of our front-line members and the communities we serve. MPPAC's successful intervention in this matter sets a valuable precedent throughout the RCMP.
The directives from the 2015 investigation include:
- having safe alternative communication procedures for situations where radios are known to fail or not transmit or receive messages clearly;
- ensuring that equipment used by employees is safe under all conditions of its intended use;
- identifying, assessing and taking measures to prevent hazards associated with its communications system; and
- ensuring that activities of every person granted access to a workplace do not endanger their health and safety.
MPPAC was successfully granted intervenor status by the Occupational Health and Safety Tribunal even in the face of opposition from RCMP senior management. MPPAC was the sole representative of RCMP front line members who appeared and provided supporting testimony at the Senate Committee for Wynn's Law. In addition, MPPAC spoke out publicly in the media, and continues to provide public and personal support to Constable Wynn's widow (Shelly MacInnis-Wynn) and her family. "MPPAC's singular actions in this case forced RCMP management to be more accountable in its responsibilities towards our members," MPPAC spokesman Rob Creasser said. "By raising awareness of circumstances that led to the death of Constable Wynn and the injury to Auxiliary Constable Bond, MPPAC forced the RCMP to comply with these essential health and safety directives."
"MPPAC continues to speak out for safer working conditions for RCMP members which will enhance the safety of the communities we serve," Creasser said. "We are doing the work expected of a truly independent, professional police association - to provide a voice for our members and put safeguards in place to prevent future tragedies."
MPPAC will continue to support members, as it has done since its inception in 1994.
SOURCE Mounted Police Professional Association of Canada (MPPAC)

Rob Creasser, Media Relations, Mounted Police Professional Association of Canada, Association Canadienne Professionnelle de la Police Montée, T:(250) 371-1071, E: [email protected]; Terry McKee, Media Relations, Mounted Police Professional Association of Canada, Association Canadienne Professionnelle de la Police Montée, T: (506) 850-3907, E: [email protected]
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