OTTAWA, ON, Dec. 1, 2021 /CNW/ - Every Canadian deserves a safe and affordable place to call home. That is why the Government of Canada is supporting and investing in innovative solutions aimed at improving the performance, viability and effectiveness of affordable housing.
Today, the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion and Minister Responsible for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), announced that close to $3.3 million in funding will be provided to 16 successful submissions under the National Housing Strategy (NHS) Demonstrations Initiative.
The NHS Demonstrations Initiative highlights solutions that support the National Housing Strategy priority areas and population groups. These solutions aim to spur awareness, knowledge and scaling of promising practices, strategies, programs, policies and technologies.
The 2021 open call competition targeted one specific area of high potential impact – Community Land Trusts (CLTs) and Land Assembly solutions that may ensure greater availability and access to land for affordable housing. The 16 successful submissions will each receive funding from $100,000 to $250,000.
The selected projects provide a diverse portfolio of CLT/Land assembly solutions addressing the specific needs of NHS population groups such as Indigenous population groups, women and children fleeing domestic violence, people labeled with a disability or mental illness, people experiencing homelessness, and Northerners.
The solutions from this call will support a culture of innovation by fostering partnerships, replication and scaling, as well as creating and disseminating real-world data for evidence-based decision-making.
Find out more about the NHS Demonstrations Initiative.
"Every Canadian deserves a safe and affordable place to call home. Increasing the supply of land for affordable housing requires innovative and disruptive thinking. The Demonstrations Initiative showcases the best new ideas ensuring that these can be repeated and scaled from coast to coast to coast. This is the National Housing Strategy at work for Canadians." – The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion
Quick facts
- In addition to the 16 solutions being funded through the 2021 Demonstrations Initiative, the federal government recognizes that supporting CLTs to grow and thrive will involve multiple types of interventions, including support with acquisition, which goes beyond the scope of the Initiative.
- This separate line of work is being undertaken by CMHC as it explores how CLT's may be supported in acquiring already operational and affordable rental buildings.
- Funding for demonstrations is available to those who wish to address housing related issues identified under the NHS priority areas.
- The NHS Demonstrations Initiative competitive open-call process occurs annually and will focus on different topics each year. The next open-call process will be held in 2022.
- Experts interested in acting as reviewers are invited to manifest their interest by writing to [email protected]
- The NHS includes $541 million over 10 years to support research on housing needs and conditions, the housing finance system, market stability and housing sector innovation.
- Canada's National Housing Strategy (NHS) is a 10-year, $72+ billion plan that will give more Canadians a place to call home.
Associated Links
- As Canada's authority on housing, CMHC contributes to the stability of the housing market and financial system, provides support for Canadians in housing need, and offers unbiased housing research and advice to all levels of Canadian government, consumers and the housing industry. For more information, visit our website or follow us on Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram and Facebook.
- To find out more about the National Housing Strategy, visit
Successful submissions, 2021 NHS Demonstrations Initiative
Find further details on the projects.
Project Title and Stream Journey Stream: documenting journey; Dissemination Stream: disseminating existing model; Scaling Stream: scaling approaches to expand impact |
Lead organization and collaborators |
Requested CMHC funding (amounts subject to change pending final contribution agreements and/or provincial or Territorial jurisdictional approval where necessary) |
Project localization |
Calgary Urban Indigenous Community Land Trust Development Project SCALING STREAM |
- Elizabeth Fry Society of Calgary, Alberta
- Aboriginal Standing Committee on Housing and Homelessness (ASCHH)
- The City of Calgary - Affordable Housing/Indigenous Relations Office
- HomeSpace (Previously Calgary Community Land Trust)
- United Way of Calgary
$ 124,850 |
Calgary, AB |
Canadian Network of Community Land Trust's Technical Assistance Program SCALING STREAM |
- Canadian Network of Community Land Trusts
- Cooperative Housing Federation of British Columbia
- Cooperative Housing Federation of Canada
- Ontario Non-Profit Network
- The Neighbourhood Land Trust
- University of Toronto
- School of Cities
- ArtsPond
$ 230,290 |
National scope |
Creating a revolving loan fund to scale up the Ottawa Community Land Trust JOURNEY STREAM |
- Ottawa Community Land Trust (OCLT)
- Ottawa Community Foundation
- Social Planning Council of Ottawa
- New Market Funds Inc.
- Vancity Community Investment Bank
- Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation
$ 250,000 |
Ottawa, ON |
DTES Community Land Trust JOURNEY STREAM |
- Vancouver Aboriginal Community Policing Centre
- DTES Community Trust Coalition
- DTES SRO Collaborative Society
- Powell Street Festival Society
- Aboriginal Front Door Society
- Watari Counselling and Support Services Society/LatinX Kitchen
- Right to Remain Research Collective
$ 250,000 |
Vancouver, BC |
Fiducie foncière pour un projet de cohabitat abordable à Lachine JOURNEY STREAM |
- Village Urbain
- GRT Groupe CDH
- Caisse d'économie sociale Desjardins
- Foncier Solidaire
- Fondation Chagnon
- Vivre en Ville
- Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire (TIESS)
- Sid Lee Architecture
- Arrondissement de Lachine
- Université McGill à Montréal
- Groupe TCJ
- PME Inter Notaires
$ 99,818 |
Lachine, QC |
Fiducie d'utilité sociale, déploiement et consolidation de modèles SCALING STREAM |
- Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire (TIESS)
- Université de Sherbrooke
- Therrien Couture Joli-Cœur
- École des sciences de la gestion de l'UQAM
- Chantier de l'économie sociale
- Bureau de l'économie sociale à la Ville de Montréal
- Rayside Labossière Architectes
- Commission de développement économique des Premières Nations et du Labrador
- Fédération de l'habitation coopérative du Québec (FHCQ)
- Coopérative de développement régional Outaouais-Lanaudière (CDROL)
- Foncier solidaire
- Protec-Terre
$ 249,987 |
QC – provincial scope |
Foncier solidaire Brome-Missisquoi : un parc immobilier perpétuellement abordable, écologique et de qualité JOURNEY STREAM |
- Foncier solidaire Brome-Missisquoi
Municipalité régionale de comté (MRC) de Brome-Missisquoi
- Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon
- Groupe TCJ
- Agathe Lehel (travailleuse autonome)
- Territoires innovants en économie sociale et solidaire
- Protec-Terre
- Table logement de Brome-Missisquoi
- Centre local de développement
(CLD) de Brome-Missisquoi
- Arpent - Services-conseils en urbanisme et en aménagement
du territoire
- Julie Villain – Designer web
$ 200,000 |
Dunham, QC |
G.R.E.A.T. Housing (Green Rural Environmental Affordable Together) JOURNEY STREAM |
- Fourth Pig Green & Natural
- Muskoka CLT, Community Living Huntsville
- Christian Horizons
- Tooketree Passive Homes
- Breeze Business Management
- SEEFA Building Analytics
- M'Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship Centre
$ 249,800 |
District of Muskoka, ON |
Growing Local Land Trusts through Platform Co- operatives in the Short-term Rental Market JOURNEY STREAM |
- FairBnB Canada
- Kensington Market Community Land Trust
$ 132,710 |
Halifax Affordable Housing Community Land Trust JOURNEY STREAM |
- United Way Halifax
- Halifax Regional Municipality
- Davis Pier Consulting
- Housing and Homelessness Partnership (HHP)
- CLT902
- Upper Hammonds Plains Strategic Initiatives Committee
- Mi'kmaw Native Friendship Centre
- Housing Nova Scotia
- David Slipp - Stewart McKelvey
- HRM Planning and Development
$ 234,700 |
Halifax, NS |
Journey to a York Region Community Housing Land Trust JOURNEY STREAM |
- Blue Door Support Services (Blue Door)
- Community Affordable Housing Solutions (CAHS)
- Robins Appleby
$ 212,946 |
York Region, ON |
Kamloops Community Land Trust (CLT) Creation for Affordable Housing JOURNEY STREAM |
$ 208,860 |
Kamloops, BC |
Kensington Market Community Land Trust DISSEMINATION STREAM |
- Kensington Market Community Land Trust
- School of Cities
- Affordable Housing Challenge Project
$ 167,512 |
Toronto, ON |
Temiskaming District Community Land Trust JOURNEY STREAM |
- Keepers of the Circle
- Global Indigenous Development Trust
- UBC Housing Research Collaborative
- Aboriginal People's Alliance (Northern Ontario)
- Beaverhouse First Nation
- Women's National Housing and Homelessness Network
- Indigenous Working Group
$ 250,000 |
Temiskaming District, ON |
Scaling the community-based CLT through diversified land securement strategies and multi-sectoral partnerships SCALING STREAM |
- The Neighbourhood Land Trust
- YWCA Toronto, Parkdale Activity-Recreation Centre (PARC)
- Building Up
- Toronto Environmental Alliance
- Van City Community Investment Bank (VCIB)
- Parcel Development of SVN Architects and Planners (SVN)
$ 175,250 |
National scope |
Directed demonstration Demonstrations initiatives led by external organizations in areas of strategic interest that are aligned with the National Housing Strategy and federal priorities. |
Whitehorse Community Land Trust JOURNEY STREAM |
- Northern Community Land Trust Society
- Yukon Housing Corporation
- New Commons Development (NCD)
- Yukon Government
- City of Whitehorse
- Rosenberg & Associates
- Site North Office
- Across the River Consulting
$ 239,164 |
Whitehorse, YT |
SOURCE Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation

Information on this release: Mikaela Harrison, Office of the Honourable Ahmed Hussen, P.C., M.P., Minister of Housing and Diversity and Inclusion, [email protected]; Media Relations, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC), [email protected]
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