Canada-wide Class Action Litigation Launched regarding Home Depot Data Breach
CALGARY, Sept. 18, 2014 /CNW/ - Class action litigation has been launched with the Courts against Home Depot seeking financial compensation for all Canadians whose financial information may have been stolen due to a breach in Home Depot's payment data systems, from April 2014 onward.
Home Depot Canada acknowledged this data breach on September 2, 2014.
"This class action lawsuit seeks Canada-wide compensation against Home Depot for its serious failure to protect customers' privacy and sensitive financial information", said Tony Merchant, Q.C. "People contacting our law firm are concerned about identity theft or other misuse of their personal information. Individuals who have had their privacy breached should be entitled to compensation under Canadian law."
"We think it is likely that tens of thousands of Canadians have been adversely affected. Given our law firm's experience and successful handling of the Winners/HomeSense class action regarding a similar data breach, we intend to pursue this new class action in a determined way to ensure Canadians are compensated and see their privacy protected."
Anyone who wishes to obtain further information about the Home Depot class action should provide their contact information at
Merchant Law Group LLP has twelve offices across Canada, from Montréal to Victoria. Merchant Law Group is well known for their involvement in mass tort and class action cases in Canada, which include lawsuits involving Winners, Residential Schools, System Access Fees, Hollinger, Maple Leaf Foods, and many other cases on our website. Merchant Law Group LLP a entamé un recours collectif contre Home Depot.
SOURCE: Merchant Law Group

For media seeking actuality or comment, please call Tony Merchant, Q.C. at 888-567-7777; For French media inquiries, please contact our Merchant Law Group's Montréal office at 514-248-7777.
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