CGE Resources 2010 L.P. Files Preliminary Prospectus
POINTE-CLAIRE, QC, March 22 /CNW Telbec/ - CGE Resources 2010 L.P. (the "Partnership") announces that it has filed a preliminary prospectus relating to an initial public offering of units of the Partnership ("Units") in the province of Québec. The maximum offering is $20 million (800,000 Units).
The Partnership's investment objective is to provide for a tax-assisted investment in a diversified portfolio of flow-through shares of resource companies with a view to earning income and achieving capital appreciation for limited partners. The Partnership will enter into share purchase agreements with resource companies under which such companies will agree to issue flow-through shares to the Partnership, incur Canadian Exploration Expense ("CEE") in carrying out exploration in Canada and renounce CEE to the Partnership. Limited partners with sufficient income will be entitled to claim deductions up to a 100% for Canadian federal income tax purposes in respect of CEE incurred and renounced to the Partnership and may be entitled to certain investment tax credits ("ITC") of 15%. The Québec based limited partner will be able to deduct up to 150% of certain CEE's incurred in the province of Québec.
The Units are being offered at a price of $25 per Unit, subject to a minimum subscription of two hundred (200) Units for $5,000, payable in full at time of subscription.
The offering is being made through a syndicate of agents led by Desjardins Securities Inc. and includes Industrial Alliances Securities Inc., Laurentian Bank Securities Inc. and Mackie Research Capital Corporation.
CGE General Partner 1 Inc., the manager of the Partnership, has been very active, since 2006, in the management of diversifier flow-through Portfolios with assets mainly from Québec based resource exploration entities.
For more information, contact our Customer Relations Centre at 1-866-987-1455 or visit
A preliminary prospectus containing important information relating to these securities has been filed with the securities commission in the province of Québec. The preliminary prospectus is still subject to completion or amendment. Copies of the preliminary prospectus may be obtained from one of the dealers noted above. There will not be any sale or any acceptance of an offer to buy securities until a receipt for the final prospectus has been issued.
For further information: Me Éloïse Gagnon, LL.B. LL.M. Fisc., President, CGE General Partner 1 Inc., (514) 987-1455;; Clément C. Gagnon, MBA, Counsel President, CGE General Partner 1 Inc., (514) 987-1455;; Jacques Bonneau, M.Sc., ing., Mining Consultant, (418) 564-8750;
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