Climate Emergency is Over Dr. Gondek - We Do Have Time Says Friends of Science Society
Calgary's Mayor-elect Dr. Jyoti Gondek of Calgary says she plans to declare a climate emergency, but Friends of Science Society points out the climate emergency is over – those fears were based on the use of the implausible RCP8.5 scenario and outdated science. Friends of Science also denounce the World Economic Forum for giving a stage to Greta Thunberg's 'panic' speech without vetting her sources; Greta now states there was no science behind her 'metaphors'.
CALGARY, AB, Oct. 21, 2021 /CNW/ - As reported by the BOE on Oct. 20, 2021, in statements to the press, Mayor-elect Jyoti Gondek says she plans to declare a climate emergency as her first order of business. The climate emergency is over as it has been shown by Roger Pielke, Jr. and Justin Ritchie that such fears were based on scientists referring to an implausible simulated scenario known as Representative Concentration Pathway 8.5 (RCP8.5). Pielke, Jr. writes of the recent IPCC AR6 report: "Great News! The Extreme Scenario that IPCC Saw as Most Likely in 2013 is Now Judged Low Likelihood." Readers should note that the IPCC scientific report of 4,000 pages differs from the ~42-page Summary for Policy-Makers which is highly politicized and the source of the claimed "code red".
As reported in peer-reviewed research by Pielke, Jr. and Ritchie, thousands of peer-reviewed papers in climate science are predicated on this implausible scenario. Scientists have misused these scenarios by comparing them, 'as if' optional 'pathways' to reduce emissions.
Friends of Science says to better appreciate what is meant, this video about Dr. Katharine Hayhoe's report "Alberta's Climate Future" includes an excerpt of her misusing these scenarios in a presentation at the University of Calgary. Hayhoe's information about China's emissions in the video is also incorrect. China's emissions have grown astronomically as have those of India, as reported in Robert Lyman's 2019 "Promises vs Performance" report. As Lyman reports in "Futile Folly: Canada's Climate Policy Goals in the Global Context", 'China emits in one month what Canada emits in a year and a half'; Canada's emissions account for only 1.6% of global greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs). Alberta's long-term climate records do not support the claims made by Hayhoe, as shown in this evidence-based Friends of Science report, entitled "Facts vs Fortune-telling".
In testimony to US Congress this spring, Greta testified that there was no science behind her comments, she was just speaking in metaphors in her 'I want you to panic' speech at the World Economic Forum, a speech which terrified millions of children and adults around the world.
As Friends of Science Society's scientific advisor, Dr. Madhav Khandekar has stated, there are many more uncertainties today in the GHG induced theory of climate change than there were when he wrote his original report (as an independent scientist) for the Alberta government in 2000.
Further to Gondek's comments to the media that Calgary doesn't need to be focussed on oil and gas, the US Energy Information Administration's most recent report, summarized by Robert Lyman in "Net Zero? Not What the Experts Predict" shows the world demand for oil and gas will grow dynamically as global economies recover from COVID lockdowns. The world presently uses ~84% oil, natural gas, and coal; the balance from nuclear and hydro with only 6% of US energy from renewables and only 3.5% in Canada. There is just no transition.
Lyman's most recent post "Will We Squander Canada's Energy Resource Heritage?" shows that Canada's energy reserves, with the principal reserves in Alberta, would be worth on the order of $21 trillion in gross revenues at today's prices and about $13 trillion in net revenues. With that kind of revenue, Canada's debt could be paid down 13 times; or every Canadian could be given $342,000.
Friends of Science new report "What You Really Need to Know about Renewable Energy (That the Pembina Institute Won't Tell You)" offers Calgary's mayor and council insights to appreciate the expensive and dangerously misinformed recommendations that Pembina Institute has made to various levels of government on renewables. The energy crisis is debilitating Europe, India, and China; it is imperative that Calgary's new administration be aware of the Dire Consequences of poor energy policies.
Friends of Science Society is an independent group of earth, atmospheric and solar scientists, engineers, and citizens that is celebrating its 19th year of offering climate science insights. After a thorough review of a broad spectrum of literature on climate change, Friends of Science Society has concluded that the sun is the main driver of climate change, not carbon dioxide (CO2).
SOURCE Friends of Science Society

Friends of Science Society, P.O. Box 23167, Mission P.O., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2S 3B1, Toll-free Telephone: 1-888-789-9597, Web:, E-mail: contact@friendsofscience(dot)org, Web:
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