Organization will deliver settlement services to newcomers before they arrive in Canada
OTTAWA, Jan. 22, 2019 /CNW/ - Pre-arrival settlement services are a key element of Canada's immigration program. They provide newcomers, including refugees, with the information and settlement support they need to make informed decisions about their new life in Canada before they arrive, such as how to prepare for finding a job. To help deliver these important services, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) will be providing funding of $18.4 million to Colleges and Institutes of Canada (CICan).
CICan is 1 of 4 intake service providers that will offer national-level information, orientation and onward referrals to economic and family-class pre-arrival clients. CICan will offer online services and in-person services in India and the Philippines, including comprehensive services and specialized supports for specific immigration categories and client groups (such as youth and LGBTQ2S+).
Today's funding announcement is part of IRCC's renewed pre-arrival services program, which will maximize the social integration of newcomers, set them up to contribute to the economy and help grow the middle class by:
- directly connecting clients with the information and services they need through a streamlined, easy-to-navigate process
- providing pre-arrival services to Francophones through a collaborative partnership model
- offering general, regional and occupation-specific employment services to boost job prospects
- encouraging newcomers to apply for job licensure before they arrive, if needed
- linking clients to federal and provincial settlement services in Canada
"Pre-arrival services provide permanent residents with information and settlement support so they can make informed decisions about their new life in Canada and begin the integration process before they arrive. IRCC's renewed pre-arrival program will deliver consistent, high-quality client-centered services to people around the world. This investment will allow Colleges and Institutes of Canada to support the needs of newcomers by offering helpful online and in-person services."
– The Honourable Ahmed Hussen, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
"In an increasingly globalized world, the pre-arrival services provided both in English and in French by the Canadian Immigrant Integration Program are essential to empower newcomers to successfully integrate in Canada, thus having a positive impact on the Canadian economy. CICan is thrilled to have this opportunity to continue to work with newcomers, helping them to succeed in Canada."
– Denise Amyot, President and CEO, Colleges and Institutes Canada
Quick facts
- In May 2018, IRCC launched an expression of interest process to solicit proposals for economic/family class and Francophone pre-arrival services. Sixteen experienced service provider organizations (SPOs) with proven results and strong partnerships were selected to deliver virtual and in-person services to newcomers, including refugees, around the world before they arrive in Canada. These pre-arrival services began on January 1, 2019.
- Funding for these 16 SPOs to 2023 totals approximately $113 million.
- Canada has funded pre-arrival services since 1998. While initially only provided to refugees, services were expanded to include non-refugee immigrants in 2001.
- In-person services will be offered in China, India, and the Philippines, along with a pilot project for in-person Francophone services in Morocco.
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Contacts for media only, Mathieu Genest, Minister's Office, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, 613-954-1064; Media Relations, Communications Branch, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, 613-952-1650, [email protected]
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