Confidential Process for Class Members to Submit Claims In the RCMP (Tiller) Class Action Closes January 12th Français
TORONTO, Dec. 17, 2020 /CNW/ - Time is running out for female non-policing employees and volunteers who suffered gender or sexual orientation-based harassment and/or discrimination by the RCMP to file for compensation in the Tiller class action settlement. The claim deadline is January 12, 2021. Claim Forms are available at
Lead claimant counsel, Jill Taylor from Co-Counsel Higgerty Law in Calgary, says women considering submitting a claim should start the process right away. "This is a very emotional process for women," Taylor explained. "We are seeing women who initiate the process, but then it takes time for them to come to terms with reliving their experiences before they are ready to proceed."
On March 10, 2020 the Federal Court of Canada approved a national settlement in Tiller v. Her Majesty the Queen (Federal Court Action No. T-1673-17), known as the RCMP (Tiller) Class Action. The Court held that the settlement was fair and reasonable and in the best interests of Class Members. *
"The harassment and retaliation faced by those who will be compensated through this settlement is unacceptable. These women worked alongside us, within our walls, and were entitled to a safe and respectful workplace." - Brenda Lucki, Commissioner, RCMP
The settlement provides a confidential process for employees and volunteers, who are female or publicly identify as female and who were supervised or managed by the RCMP, or who worked in an RCMP controlled workplace. They must also have experienced gender or sexual orientation-based harassment or discrimination by the RCMP between September 16, 1974 and July 5, 2019 in the following roles:
- Municipal Employees
- Volunteers
- Contractors
- Commissionaires
- Students
- Public Service Employees (not compensated in the Merlo Davidson Class Action)
- Regional District Employees
- Supernumerary Special Constables
- Consultants
- Members of integrated policing units
- Persons from outside agencies and police forces
Compensation ranges from $10,000.00 to $220,000.00. Individual compensation will not be impacted by the number of claims received.
The Federal Court has appointed three female retired justices to act as the settlement's Assessors: the Honourable Louise Otis, formerly of the Quebec Court of Appeal; the Honourable Pamela Kirkpatrick, formerly of the British Columbia Court of Appeal; and the Honourable Kathryn Neilson, formerly of the British Columbia Court of Appeal.
The claims process has been designed to be trauma informed. Women who make a claim will have their identity protected and do not have to face their harassers and are protected by a no-retaliation directive. Accordingly, women who make claims to the settlement can do so without fear of reprisal.
"Many class members have lived in silence and fear, telling no one about the sexual misconduct that they were subjected to while working or volunteering with the RCMP. The settlement provides an opportunity for women to tell their stories in a safe and confidential setting. In this respect, the settlement gives these women a voice and, we hope, opens a path to the healing process." - David Klein, Class Co-Counsel, Klein Lawyers LLP.
*Class Members are all current and former living Municipal Employees, Regional District Employees, employees of non-profit organizations, volunteers, Commissionaires, Supernumerary Special Constables, consultants, contractors, public service employees, students, members of integrated policing units and persons from outside agencies and police forces who are female or publicly identify as female and who were supervised or managed by the RCMP or who worked in an RCMP controlled workplace during the Class Period , excluding individuals who are primary class members in Merlo and Davidson v. Her Majesty the Queen, Federal Court Action Number T-1685-16 and class members in Ross, Roy, and Satalic v. Her Majesty the Queen, Federal Court Action Number T-370-17 or Association des membres de la police montée du Québec inc., Gaétan Delisle, Dupuis, Paul, Lachance, Marc v. HMTQ, Quebec Superior Court Number 500-06-000820-163. The Class Period is September 16, 1974 to July 5, 2019.
The claim administrator's website is:
Class Counsel are Klein Lawyers LLP and Higgerty Law.
Klein Lawyers LLP 400 - 1385 West 8th Avenue Vancouver, BC V6H 3V9
Tel. 604.874.7171 |
Higgerty Law 101, 440 2nd Avenue SW Calgary, AB T2P 5E9
403-503-8888 OR 1-888-699-7826 |
SOURCE Klein Lawyers LLP

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