"We've carefully selected items for the Gifts for Good catalogue that give children the opportunity for a better life and brighter future," says Patrick Canagasingham, Chief Executive Officer of Christian Children's Fund of Canada. "I've seen first-hand the difference these gifts can make. When you choose to give one of them this holiday season, you're choosing to help advance positive change and help a child, their family and community thrive."
Whether you're giving directly, or gifting in the name of someone on your holiday list, the Gifts for Good catalogue has more than 35 life-changing gifts for any budget, starting as low as $15.
Find and see all of the items in the Gifts for Good catalogue at www.CCFCanada.ca/GiftsForGood.
Give a Goat and Provide Milk for a Year. Supply a Classroom and Give a Generation a Future!
Provide the gift of an animal, seeds for a community or even a mosquito net to save a life. These donations provide a source of hope to create thriving, resilient communities that lift children up to achieve their dreams.
Three Hens and a Rooster ($50): One of CCFC's most popular gift items, chickens produce both nutritious food and income. FUN FACT: A hen can produce more than 300 eggs per year. It is the gift that keeps on giving.
Beekeeping Kit ($100): Bee a hero this holiday season and gift a family a buzz-worthy business, nutritious honey and the means to pollinate their crops. Each kit includes beehives, bees and other beekeeping equipment. FUN FACT: One hive produces an average of 25 kg. of honey per season. Sweet!
Goat ($100 each; $250 for a flock): Goats are hardy and easy to raise. They'll quickly reproduce to create a thriving herd, and your gift will provide milk, fertilizer and income for an entire family. FUN FACT: One or two goats can provide milk to a family throughout the year. Not b-a-a-a-d!
Moringa Miracle Tree ($45): This fast-growing, drought-resistant "miracle tree" packs a healthy punch. Its leaves provide seven times more vitamin C than oranges and four times more calcium than milk. FUN FACT: This plant's seeds and pods are eaten as nutrient-rich vegetables and, when crushed, its seeds have water-purification properties. Talk about green power!
Healthy Communities: Clean Water
Water is essential for a healthy life. Giving the gift of clean water is the ultimate gift of life. It protects children from waterborne diseases and also gives girls – who often spend hours collecting water every day – the gift of time to go school.
Water gifts are multiplied five times for an even greater impact.
- Water (where most needed): $35
- Community Well: $100
- Rainwater-Harvesting Tank: $175
- Drill a Borehole: $250
Healthy Communities: Healthcare
Give children and their families the necessities of life, from nutritious food to protection from disease and basic healthcare services.
Mosquito Net ($15 for a single; $50 for a family): Almost half of the world's population is susceptible to malaria. Now consider the addition of Zika virus and dengue fever. Giving the gift of a mosquito net will protect those at highest risk of mosquito-borne illnesses – children and pregnant women. All mosquito net gifts are multiplied five times for an even greater impact.
Feed a Hungry Child ($100): Local conditions such as drought and conflict often cause food shortages, which take an enormous toll on children. Your gift will provide lifesaving food to a child who needs it most. When you choose to Feed a Hungry Child, your gift is multiplied five times for a $500 impact.
Give children access to a quality education, and you'll give them building blocks to a brighter future.
Help Supply a Classroom ($150): Thousands of students around the world attend schools without the supplies they need to learn. This gift, combined with others, will fill a classroom with essential equipment, furnishings and supplies. This gift is multiplied five times for an even greater impact. Other classroom gifts:
- Schoolbooks ($35)
- School Supplies ($40)
Children are Protected
Every child should enjoy their youth, free from violence and exploitation, with access to life's essentials. You can help ensure they're safe and free to grow, laugh, learn and play.
Blanket ($25): Wrap a newborn, toddler or child in the comfort and warmth of a blanket. Protect them through a chilly night and help them sleep peacefully.
Community/School Washroom ($100): Imagine having to be afraid to go to the bathroom because the only option is an open field that leaves you vulnerable to attack. This gift helps provide a washroom to keep girls and boys safe from harm.
Empowering Girls
Give girls the opportunities every child should enjoy. Empowering Girls gifts help protect them from forced marriages and exploitation and give them the opportunity to go to school to improve their futures.
Send a Girl to School for a Year ($100): Give children access to a quality education, and you'll give them building blocks to a bright future. Your gift of a scholarship will help a child or youth access education and gender-specific leadership training. Give a girl the chance to change their life – for good. This gift is multiplied five times for a $500 impact.
Female Hygiene Kit ($15): Girls in vulnerable communities treasure feminine hygiene products, soap and self-care products. Give a girl the gift of good hygiene and you'll help her confidence soar. She deserves it!
Empowering Youth
Make it possible for children and youth to understand their rights and build the confidence to express themselves so they have the opportunities to chase their dreams.
I Have Rights ($75): This gift will help ensure girls and boys can access interactive, age-appropriate life-skills training as well as knowledge and literature so they speak up to make change and realize their rights. This gift is multiplied five times for an even greater impact.
About Christian Children's Fund of Canada:
Christian Children's Fund of Canada (CCFC) is a child-centred international development organization and a member of ChildFund Alliance. For nearly 60 years, CCFC has worked with children, communities, supporters and other partners — changing lives through improved health, education and clean water. CCFC works in 12 countries across Africa, Asia and the Americas, to support more than 700,000 children, youth and community members.
SOURCE Christian Children's Fund of Canada

or to arrange an interview with Patrick Canagasingham, Chief Executive Officer of Christian Children's Fund, please contact: Sara Beckford at Strategic Objectives, Email: [email protected]; Tel: 416.366.7735, Ext. 275; Cell: 416.262.7241
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