TORONTO, April 19, 2017 /CNW/ - Canadians consumed more than one million Caesars* per day last year, and Canadian actor, producer and writer Dan Levy readily admits to doing his part. His passion for Canada's cocktail inspired him to develop the official Caesar of National Caesar Day 2017 – a Canadian holiday created by Caesar enthusiasts like Levy.
Knowing this year marks Canada's 150th birthday, Levy created a Caesar recipe that reflected his Canadian roots. He's also allowing Canadians to play a role in the creation by having them name his Caesar! The Canadian with the most original and creative submission, as chosen by Levy, will join him in Toronto to toast the nation's cocktail during the third annual National Caesar Day on May 18, 2017.
"I'd like to think I do brunch really well, and as every good Canadian knows, no brunch is complete without a perfectly crafted Caesar. Needless to say, I'm thrilled that my Caesar recipe has been chosen as the official Caesar of 2017 and I'm excited to finally give it a name. Looking forward to reading all the entries!"
Dan showcased his usual comedic and dramatic flair in creating his Caesar, as seen in this video: He created a spicy and savoury twist on the original Caesar by combining two different Mott's Clamato flavours, the Extra Spicy and the new Pickled Bean along with olive brine, horse radish, truffle salt and the popular ingredients of hot sauce and Worcestershire. His garnish was all about his favourite brunch staples: maple bacon, an egg slider, tater tots and a donut hole.
Canadians interested in naming Dan's Caesar can visit The contest runs until May 11, 2017 at 9 a.m.,** and the winner and winning cocktail name will be publicly announced on May 15, 2017.
Dan is best known for playing David Rose on the award winning sitcom, Schitt's Creek, which he co-created and co-produces with his father, Eugene Levy. The season three finale just aired last week and season four of the hit comedy show is already underway. Dan is also widely known for hosting MTV Live and The Hills: The After Show.
National Caesar Day falls every year on the Thursday before the Victoria Day long weekend. For a listing of local events, bars and restaurants serving Caesars and a wide selection of recipes, visit the home of the Caesar at
To download Dan's full video click here:
* Provided by Mott's Clamato 2016 internal data.
** No purchase necessary. For full contest details please visit
SOURCE National Caesar Day
For more information, interview requests and high-res images please contact: Cait MacLachlan, Evangeline PR, [email protected] / 416.371.1744; Kaitlin Hazen, Evangeline PR, [email protected] / 416.898.8565; Alison Bing, Canada Dry Mott's, [email protected] / 647.501.5810
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