Designation of Sherbrooke as an innovation zone in quantum sciences and technology applications - A showcase for recruitment and research excellence according to Institut quantique of Université de Sherbrooke Français
SHERBROOKE, QC, Feb. 4, 2022 /CNW Telbec/ - Yesterday's announcement by Quebec Prime Minister Mr. François Legault of the Sherbrooke Innovation Zone is welcomed with enthusiasm by Institut quantique (IQ) of Université de Sherbrooke (UdeS), which sees this as a recognition of its dynamic quantum ecosystem.
For IQ's Scientific Director, Prof. Alexandre Blais, this designation represents a significant development tool: "For our research institute, the creation of an Innovation Zone in quantum sciences and technological applications, and the ecosystem that it will help strengthen, is an exceptional showcase for recruiting the best students here and abroad. Bringing all the partners together around this scientific theme sends a strong message to the quantum community."
The Innovation Zone will also enable Institut quantique to continue training a highly qualified workforce here in Sherbrooke, and to retain this workforce by offering conditions that are favorable to long-term career development. For Prof. Michel Pioro-Ladrière, Assistant Director of IQ and Scientific Director of the Innovation Zone, this designation by the Quebec government confirms the relevance of their development strategy. "After five years of existence, we have already contributed to putting in place all the elements of a dynamic quantum ecosystem: a critical mass of world-renowned researchers, cutting-edge research infrastructure, strategic partnerships and start-up companies that are establishing themselves in Sherbrooke. An even stronger ecosystem will provide additional diversified employment opportunities, increasing the chances of retaining the talent we train at Institut quantique and in the area as well as creating the optimal conditions to develop our breakthroughs here."
About Institut quantique
Institut quantique (IQ) is a research institute at Université de Sherbrooke with more than 250 members working to help the transition from science to quantum technologies, particularly in quantum computing, materials and engineering. IQ has state-of-the-art experimental research and digital computation infrastructure, managed by qualified technical and professional teams.
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Institut quantique
Integrated Innovation Chain
SOURCE Université de Sherbrooke

Hugues Vincelette, Communication Advisor, Quantum Institute | Université de Sherbrooke, [email protected] | 819 821-8000, ext. 66493 and 819 943-2578
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