VANCOUVER, BC, Jan. 2, 2025 /CNW/ --
K.S. Garcha of Dusevic & Garcha announces that a Canada-wide settlement ("Settlement") (excluding residents of Quebec) has been reached with respect to Janssen Inc., Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., and Janssen Research & Development, LLC (the "Janssen Defendants") and Bayer Inc. in a proposed class action relating to the fluoroquinolone prescription drugs Levaquin, Cipro and Avelox and Peripheral Neuropathy. "Levaquin" means Levaquin® branded (i.e., not generic) levofloxacin tablets and/or intravenous solution distributed in Canada by the Janssen Defendants. "Cipro" means all formulations of Cipro® branded (i.e., not generic) ciprofloxacin distributed or licensed in Canada by Bayer Inc. "Avelox" means all formulations of Avelox® branded (i.e., not generic) moxifloxacin distributed or licensed in Canada by Bayer Inc.
The Settlement of the Proceeding against the Janssen Defendants and Bayer Inc. has been approved by the Court. The Janssen Defendants and Bayer Inc. deny all allegations and deny any wrongdoing or liability.
If you were prescribed Levaquin, Cipro or Avelox at any time on or before June 13, 2024 and subsequently experienced Peripheral Neuropathy (as defined in the Settlement Agreements), you may be entitled to compensation. As it relates to the Janssen Defendants, the Settlement provides for the creation of a $525,000 (CDN) settlement fund which will be used to pay the costs of notice and administration, compensation for approved claimants, the claims of Provincial Health Insurers, and Class Counsel legal fees. As it relates to Bayer Inc., the Settlement provides for the creation of a $725,000 (CDN) settlement fund which will be used to pay the costs of notice and administration, compensation for approved claimants, the claims of Provincial Health Insurers, and Class Counsel legal fees (together, the "Settlement Amount").
The Court has approved a Compensation Protocol that determines which Class Members are eligible for compensation and in what amount. For more information about how compensation is determined, you should review the long-form Notice, Compensation Protocol, Settlement Agreements and related documents at
To make a claim for compensation under the Settlement Agreements, you must complete and submit a claim form (including the necessary supporting evidence detailed in the Compensation Protocol) to Class Counsel before May 2, 2025. If you do NOT submit your Claim on time, you will not be eligible for any benefits under the Settlement Agreement.
The claim form requires that you provide medical records which can be time consuming to retrieve. It is very important that you start this process as soon as possible, if you or your lawyer have not already done so. You may wish to retain a lawyer to assist you in this process. You can retain a lawyer of your choice.
This is an abbreviated notice. For the complete notice, including information on benefits that may be available through the Settlement, and to obtain a copy of the Settlement Agreements and Compensation Protocol visit or contact Class Counsel:
K.S. Garcha
#210 – 4603 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC V5H 4M4
Tel: 604-436-3315 or 1-844-878-0444 (toll free)
Fax: 604-436-3302
Email: [email protected]
Please do not call the Defendant or the Court about this Proceeding.
This Notice has been approved by the Supreme Court of British Columbia.

DUSEVIC & GARCHA, Tel: 604-436-3315 or 1-844-878-0444 (toll free), Email: [email protected]
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