edatanetworks Inc. and Chief Executive Officer / Founder Terry Tietzen Unconditionally Released from ASC Undertakings
EDMONTON, July 31, 2019 /CNW/ - The Executive Director of the Alberta Securities Commission (ASC) has issued letters to edatanetworks Inc. and Terrence (Terry) Patrick Tietzen edatanetwork's Chief Executive Officer / Founder unconditionally releasing them from undertakings provided to the Alberta Securities Commission on July 27 2018. The undertakings can be found on the Alberta Securities Commission website at albertasecurities.com.
On April 29, 2019 these undertakings provided to the Alberta Securities Commission were no longer in effect on edatanetworks Inc. and as of July 18, 2019 are no longer in effect on Terrence (Terry) Patrick Tietzen. The release letters to edatanetworks Inc. and Terrence (Terry) Patrick Tietzen from the Executive Director of the Alberta Securities Commission can be found on the Alberta Securities Commission website at albertasecurities.com.
About edata:
edatanetworks Inc. (edata), edatanetworks.com, a privately held company established In 2001, has worked with many organizations and conducted multiple live markets tests creating patented philanthropic fintech innovations utilizing existing technological and financial infrastructures— connecting consumers, local merchants, charitable and community organizations, digital media groups, communications companies, search providers, social networks, banks, payment networks and other financial services organizations.
edata continues to refine its Software-as-a-Service platform by enhancing the delivered functionality, transaction processes, microservices / API technology while increasing value to participating merchants, consumers, community and charitable organizations. Through its evolution and successful market tests, edata has built an extensive Intellectual property portfolio of patents and trademarks at the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
SOURCE edatanetworks Inc.

Media Contact: Catherine Keill, KEILL&Co. Inc., 780 690 5283
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