Evolve Funds Group Inc. Announces Filing of Preliminary Prospectus
TORONTO, July 20, 2017 /CNW/ - Evolve Funds Group Inc. ("Evolve Funds") today announced the filing of a Preliminary Prospectus with the Canadian securities regulators in connection with the launch of five Exchange Traded Funds ("Evolve ETFs"). These new Evolve ETFs are designed to give Canadian investors access to investment themes that will help them gain exposure to new emerging trends and industries.
"We are excited to introduce these new and innovative ETF options to Canadian investors," said Raj Lala, President & CEO of Evolve Funds. "We expect HERS will be the first gender diversity focused ETF in Canada, and will provide exposure to North American companies that have demonstrated a commitment to gender diversity as part of their corporate social responsibility strategy. Additionally, we've learned that many corporate CEOs and senior government officials consider cyber security one of their top priorities today and in the future. We also expect CYBR will be the first cyber security ETF in Canada, and will invest in companies focused on software and hardware development to combat cybercrime."
"As we anticipate experiencing the auto industry's largest transformation within the next decade, CARS will be the first-of-its-kind ETF to specifically invest in companies that are involved in developing electric drivetrains, autonomous driving or network connected services for automobiles," continued Lala. "Finally, CALL and LIFE have been designed to invest in large US banks and global healthcare, respectively, while adding a covered call strategy to mitigate downside risk."
The following is a brief description of each of the Evolve ETFs:
Evolve North American Gender Diversity Index ETF (HERS)
HERS seeks to replicate, to the extent reasonably possible and before fees and expenses, the performance of the Solactive Equileap North American Gender Equality Index, or any successor thereto. HERS invests in equity securities of companies domiciled in Canada and the United States that have demonstrated commitment to gender diversity as part of their corporate social responsibility strategy.
Evolve Cyber Security Index ETF (CYBR)
CYBR seeks to replicate, to the extent reasonably possible and before fees and expenses, the performance of the Solactive Global Cyber Security Index, or any successor thereto. CYBR invests primarily in equity securities of companies located domestically or internationally that are involved in the cyber security industry through hardware and software development.
Evolve Automobile Innovation Index ETF (CARS)
CARS seeks to replicate, to the extent reasonably possible and before fees and expenses, the performance of the Solactive Future Cars Index, or any successor thereto. CARS invests primarily in equity securities of companies that are directly or indirectly involved in developing electric drivetrains, autonomous driving or network connected services for automobiles.
Evolve US Banks Enhanced Yield ETF (CALL)
CALL seeks to replicate, to the extent reasonably possible before fees and expenses, the performance of the Solactive Equal Weight US Bank Index, or any successor thereto, while mitigating downside risk. CALL invests primarily in the equity constituents of the Solactive Equal Weight US Bank Index, or any successor thereto, while writing covered call options on up to 33% of the portfolio securities, at the discretion of the Manager. The level of covered call option writing may vary based on market volatility and other factors.
Evolve Global Healthcare Enhanced Yield ETF (LIFE)
LIFE seeks to replicate, to the extent reasonably possible before fees and expenses, the performance of the Solactive Global Healthcare 20 Index, or any successor thereto, while mitigating downside risk. LIFE invests primarily in the equity constituents of the Solactive Global Healthcare 20 Index, or any successor thereto, while writing covered call options on up to 33% of the portfolio securities, at the discretion of the Manager. The level of covered call option writing may vary based on market volatility and other factors.
A preliminary prospectus containing important information relating to securities of the new Evolve ETFs has been filed with the securities commissions or similar authorities in all provinces and territories of Canada. The preliminary prospectus is still subject to completion or amendment. A copy of the preliminary prospectus is available on SEDAR (www.sedar.com). There will not be any sale or acceptance of an offer to buy the securities until a receipt for the final prospectus has been issued.
Commissions, management fees, and expenses all may be associated with the Evolve ETFs. ETFs are not guaranteed, their values change frequently, and past performance may not be repeated.
About Evolve Funds Group Inc.
Evolve Funds provides Canadian investors with innovative investment solutions and access to some of the world's largest investment managers. Established by a team of industry veterans, we create investment products that make a difference. For more information, please visit www.evolvefunds.com.
SOURCE Evolve Funds Group Inc.

Evolve Funds Group Inc., [email protected], t. 416.214.4884, tf. 1.844.370.4884
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