Excitement awaits visitors on final weekend of La fête des Neiges de Montréal
"The combination of the recent stretch of nice weather and the favourable forecast for this coming weekend has enabled event organizers to get the site well prepared for this final weekend of activities and ensure a full program for the enjoyment of everyone heading to La fête des Neiges tomorrow and Sunday," said Société du parc Jean-Drapeau spokesperson
Included among the highlights of the weekend is the "Dance for the Climate" activity, on Saturday, at
Other not-to-be-missed activities awaiting children is the show of the dog Moppi. Children can also get a ticket for the drawing of a VIP invitation to meet the characters Dora and Diego. Along with this, professional Sylvain Leclerc will be giving a barrel-jumping demonstration at the rink, and the musical group Les Flowkonz will be performing on the main stage.
People can also enjoy the many winter activities such as :
- The snow-tubing slide and the Superglisse - The skaters' path along the river - L'Allée carnavalesque, the carnival-like midway and its games of skill - Slide for a donation to the Juvenile Arthritis Society - The Olympiades with the Virgin radio station crew
Also, on site you can rent skates, toboggans and snow scooters. Make it a date to be there - it's so easy to get to the site by subway, to the Jean-Drapeau station! For additional information about the schedule of activities for the Fête des Neiges de Montréal, please go to the Parc Jean-Drapeau website at www.parcjeandrapeau.com.
For further information: Nathalie Lessard, (514) 872-3262; François Cartier, (514) 872-7318
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