ExelTech signs service center agreement with Saab for SAAB 340 aircraft
Saab has long sought a reliable source of maintenance for its North American, Latin American and Caribbean operators and has always seen ExelTech as displaying both the technical expertise and service level focus, expected by Saab to properly serve its clients in the region.
"Saab Aerotech is pleased to announce its choice of ExelTech Aerospace of
"I am pleased that Saab has recognized our expertise and quality through this new agreement that will allow ExelTech to provide a factory approval for heavy maintenance on the SAAB 340 aircraft in
About Saab
Saab serves the global market with world-leading products, services and solutions ranging from military defense to civil security. Saab has operations and employees on all continents and constantly develops, adopts and improves new technology to meet customers' changing needs. Saab Aerotech is a business unit within the Saab Group.
About ExelTech Aerospace Inc.
The third-largest commercial airframe Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) vendor in
With 310,000 square feet of hangar, shop and office space in three facilities in
To learn more about ExelTech Aerospace Inc. (TSX-V: XLT), please visit our website at www.exeltech-aerospace.com.
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For further information: David Diggle, Vice President Marketing & Sales, (514) 631-5114, [email protected]
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