EY-Parthenon names Jeff Wray as new Global Leader
Strategy consultancy recorded 19.6% revenue growth in FY21 supporting clients to successfully transform their businesses
John van Rossen appointed Global Co-Leader with a focus on realizing the EY-Parthenon strategy, as part of EY NextWave
Appointments to drive strategy consultancy ambition with significant investments in ESG capabilities, digital, technology and strategy execution planned
LONDON, Nov. 11, 2021 /CNW/ -- EY-Parthenon today announces that Jeff Wray has been appointed Global Leader with a focus on driving the strategy consultancy's global market agenda in FY22 and beyond.
Jeff brings a strong background in strategy consulting to the role, with deep experience as a trusted C-suite advisor. He joined EY-Parthenon from Boston Consulting Group in 2014 and previously served as EY Strategy and Transactions Global Consumer Industries Leader (and the Americas Corporate and Growth Strategy leader). Jeff succeeds Mitch Berlin, who is transitioning into his role as EY Americas Strategy and Transactions Vice Chair.
EY-Parthenon is the world's fifth largest strategy consulting organization in terms of revenue, with more than 7,000 professionals and 750 partners of EY member firms across the globe. The strategy consultancy recorded revenue growth of 19.6% in FY21 supporting clients across the world in both responding to the pandemic and reshaping their strategies for the future.
EY-Parthenon has also announced the appointment of John van Rossen as Global Co-Leader with an operational focus to enable the consultancy's ambitions globally. John was most recently EY Strategy and Transactions Leader of the EY WEM Region (Belgium, Netherland, France, Luxemburg and Maghreb).
Both appointments come at a time of significant investment and strategic acquisitions across the globe. EY Parthenon recently acquired CMA Strategy Consulting strengthening its abilities in the fast-growing and converging digital infrastructure market.
EY will continue to expand strategy consulting through EY-Parthenon and sustainability services and invest to ensure that clients benefit from leading-class technology – all backed up by continued strategic acquisitions and the EY ecosystem of world-class alliances.
Other significant EY-Parthenon investments will also be made through ambitious recruitment plans globally and branding via a global 'Real-World Strategy' campaign across all major markets.
Andrea Guerzoni, EY Global Vice Chair - Strategy and Transactions, says:
"These appointments will strengthen the EY-Parthenon global leadership team and help to build further market momentum enabled by world-class operations. EY Parthenon has ambitious growth plans underpinned by continued investment around the world as the business looks to attract and develop more high-performing talent. Investment plans in key aspects of the business is well underway including in our ESG capabilities to strategically advise CEOs on what is becoming the critical issue on the boardroom agenda.
"Jeff and John will drive these plans and help realize our aim of finding better real-world answers to our clients' most challenging strategic questions, leveraging the full functional expertise and transformational strength of EY."
Jeff Wray, EY-Parthenon Global Leader, says:
"I am energized to build on the extremely strong position of EY-Parthenon and lead the business to the next level of growth. EY-Parthenon teams will be laser focused on addressing the real-world issues, opportunities and challenges CEOs now face. Whether moving from strategy to transformation or using a transaction to fundamentally transform a business, EY-Parthenon has the strategic, commercial and operational capabilities combined with a global reach to help clients reshape and reinvent themselves for a better tomorrow."
Notes to Editors
About EY
EY exists to build a better working world, helping create long-term value for clients, people and society and build trust in the capital markets.
Enabled by data and technology, diverse EY teams in over 150 countries provide trust through assurance and help clients grow, transform and operate.
Working across assurance, consulting, law, strategy, tax and transactions, EY teams ask better questions to find new answers for the complex issues facing our world today.
EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. Information about how EY collects and uses personal data and a description of the rights individuals have under data protection legislation are available via ey.com/privacy. EY member firms do not practice law where prohibited by local laws. For more information about our organization, please visit ey.com.
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About EY Strategy and Transactions
EY Strategy and Transactions teams work with clients to navigate complexity by helping them to reimagine their ecosystems, reshape their portfolios and reinvent themselves for a better future. With global connectivity and scale, EY Strategy and Transactions teams help clients drive corporate, capital, transaction and turnaround strategies through to execution, supporting fast-track value creation in all types of market environments. EY Strategy and Transactions teams help support the flow of capital across borders and help bring new products and innovation to market. In doing so, EY Strategy and Transactions teams help clients to build a better working world by fostering long-term value. For more information, please visit ey.com/strategyandtransactions.
About EY-Parthenon
EY-Parthenon teams work with clients to navigate complexity by helping them to reimagine their ecosystems, reshape their portfolios and reinvent themselves for a better future. With global connectivity and scale, EY-Parthenon teams focus on Strategy Realized — helping CEOs design and deliver strategies to better manage challenges while maximizing opportunities as they look to transform their businesses. From idea to implementation, EY-Parthenon teams help organizations to build a better working world by fostering long-term value. EY-Parthenon is a brand under which a number of EY member firms across the globe provide strategy consulting services. For more information, please visit ey.com/parthenon.
Konstantinos Makrygiannis
EY Global Media Relations
+44(0)7768 930 056
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