EY to discuss audience engagement at the 2016 Entertainment Summit at CES in Las Vegas
-- EY media and entertainment (M&E) leaders to discuss new trends and strategies for reaching audiences and better understanding Generation Z
-- John Nendick and Howard Bass available for interview
LAS VEGAS, Jan. 6, 2016 /PRNewswire/ -- With 2016 promising to be a profitable year for M&E companies, the industry is constantly evaluating its ability to better understand audiences and seeking new ways to engage with consumers. EY will address these topics in two panel discussions at this year's Variety Entertainment Summit at CES (Consumer Electronics Show®) in Las Vegas from January 6-9, 2016.
Details of EY's panel discussions, the topics and its presenting leaders are below. Media are invited to attend both sessions. Interviews with EY's M&E leadership are available on request.
Deep dive: Do you know what your customers want ... and what that means for your business?
January 7, 2016, 1:40-2:00 p.m. PST; Las Vegas Convention Center, North Hall, Room N258
- John Nendick, Global Media & Entertainment Leader, EY will present on this panel.
As leading companies build direct relationships with their customers they must understand the unique behaviors and preferences of Generation Z, a generation that consumes in different ways and views innovation as the norm. The drive to reach them is leading to investments in new industry verticals and in the so-called "unicorns" that are sparking innovation.
- As EY's Global Media & Entertainment Industry Leader, Nendick is responsible for directing and coordinating the organization's services to clients in the M&E industry. With more than 30 years of experience, Nendick advises some of the largest M&E conglomerates in the world, overseeing a global team of professionals working in more than 100 countries.
Masters of digital audience engagement
January 7, 2016, 2:45-3:25 p.m. PST; Las Vegas Convention Center, North Hall, Room N258
- Howard Bass, Global Media & Entertainment Advisory Leader, EY will present on this panel.
With audiences so divided, what is the best way to reach them with compelling messaging? What marketing and advertising strategies best utilize audience data to optimize content revenues? Entertainment leaders debate the best way to engage a crowd for the ultimate success of multiplatform content.
- Howard Bass has more than 35 years of experience advising some of the largest M&E companies in the world, and helps lead EY's Global Media & Entertainment practice. He is responsible for driving strategy and execution for the organization's sector and building the practice in order to best serve EY's clients with innovative services. Bass is regularly quoted in leading business and financial media about various issues and topics related to the business of M&E.
Notes to Editors
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About EY's Global Media & Entertainment Sector
In an industry synonymous with creativity and innovation, the bar for business excellence is set high. You need to embrace new technology, develop new distribution models and satisfy the demands of a voracious and outspoken consumer. At the same time, it's important to manage costs, exceed stakeholder expectations and comply with new regulations. There's always another challenge just around the corner. EY's Global Media & Entertainment Sector can help. We bring together a high-performance, worldwide team of media and entertainment professionals with deep technical experience in providing assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services to the industry's leaders. Our network of professionals collaborates and shares knowledge around the world to deliver exceptional client service, leveraging our leading market share position to provide you with actionable information, quickly and reliably.
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EY Global Media Relations |
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