EY's Entrepreneur Of The Year to honour Québec visionaries Bernard, Laurent and Alain Lemaire Français
The builders of Cascades to receive the 2013 Québec Lifetime Achievement Award
MONTREAL, Oct. 21, 2013 /CNW Telbec/ - Bernard, Laurent and Alain Lemaire of Cascades will receive EY's Entrepreneur Of The Year 20th anniversary Québec Lifetime Achievement Award, in recognition of their significant contributions to the Québec economy, and their achievements as influential leaders committed to building a better working world.
"The Lemaire brothers are models of innovative thinking and the entrepreneurial spirit," says Daniel Baer, Partner and Co-Director of the Entrepreneur Of The Year program for Québec. "They not only built Cascades into a world-class organization, but they've done it while promoting sustainability and cultivating an environment of respect for the environment and people everywhere."
"From human resources management to community relations, the Lemaire brothers have exemplified innovation in all aspects of their business," adds Luc Charbonneau, Partner and Co-Director of the Entrepreneur Of The Year program for Québec. "They have driven their business to grow and thrive while adapting to the realities of the ever-changing business world, all while staying true to their vision: to maximize the profitable use of natural resources and protect the environment."
Bernard Lemaire's entrepreneurial adventure began in 1964, when he founded Papier Cascade in Kingsey Falls with his brother Laurent and his father. After their first listing on the Montréal Exchange in 1982, the company became known as Cascades. For nearly 30 years, Bernard served as President. Under his leadership, Cascades implemented an expansion strategy throughout North America and Europe. Today, Bernard is on the Board of Directors.
Laurent Lemaire, co-founder of Cascades, emerged as the numbers man and the stabilizing influence within the company. Laurent became President and Chief Executive Officer in 1992 and contributed significantly to the development of the company's business model. During his 11 years at the helm of Cascades, Laurent accomplished remarkable work, quadrupling the company's size. Today, Laurent is Executive Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Alain Lemaire joined his brothers Bernard and Laurent in 1967, helping to grow the world-class company now known as Cascades. A seasoned executive and strategic thinker, Alain orchestrated the recovery of the Fine Papers Group and the continued growth of Norampac. It was under his leadership in 2006 that Cascades bought out Domtar's interest in Norampac, one of the largest transactions in Cascades' history. Today, Alain is Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors.
In 2014, the Lemaire brothers will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the founding of Cascades.
The EY Entrepreneur Of The Year Lifetime Achievement award honours individuals who have made an enduring impression on the Canadian business community and who continue to nurture and inspire the next generation of Canadian entrepreneurial talent.
EY will present this prestigious award to Bernard, Laurent and Alain Lemaire during the Québec Entrepreneur Of The Year awards banquet in Montréal on 30 October 2013. For 20 years, the event has highlighted the incredible diversity of talent and vision across Québec.
About Entrepreneur Of The Year
Entrepreneurs turn us on. To new ideas, new ways of thinking and new possibilities. We've shone the spotlight on entrepreneurs for 20 years — and we've only just begun. Nominees are reviewed by an independent judging panel composed of several distinguished business leaders and previous award recipients.
For more information on the program, FAQs and key dates, please visit ey.com/ca/EOY.
For more information about the Québec Entrepreneur Of The Year Awards gala on 30 October 2013 or gala sponsorship opportunities, please contact Sophie Leclerc at 514 879 8173 or at [email protected].
Follow us on Twitter @EYCanada: #EOY20, #EOYQuebec.
This year's national program sponsors are National Post, La Presse, RDI, Merrill DataSite and Pandora Jewellery. In Québec, the Entrepreneur of the Year program is sponsored by Fonds de Solidarité FTQ.
About EY's Strategic Growth Markets practice
EY's Strategic Growth Markets practice guides Canadian entrepreneurs by delivering integrated services tailored to their goals and needs at every stage of the business lifecycle. We are the world's leader in advising, guiding and recognizing the entrepreneurs who propel the economy - and community - forward.
For more information, please visit ey.com/ca/Entrepreneurs.
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