Fact Check - Is Kathleen Wynne for real?
TORONTO, May 10, 2014 /CNW/ - Two years ago Kathleen Wynne made three simple promises. One year later, batting 0 for 3, the Liberals laid out 70 more promises. How can she expect people to take her seriously? The answer is that people don't, not this time, which is why 73% of people in Ontario agree it's time for change.
(Source: http://www.ipsos-na.com/news-polls/pressrelease.aspx?id=6497)
3 promises made by the Liberals in 2013 that were not delivered:
- a 5 day wait for homecare for seniors;
- the NDP's plan to reduce auto insurance rates by 15%;
- the creation of a Financial Accountability Officer to monitor public spending.
1 colossal failure on jobs:
Unemployment is on the rise again in Ontario thanks to failed Liberal policies of no-strings-attached corporate handouts and job-killing hydro prices (http://goo.gl/6olG8u)
5 Liberal scandals and counting (http://goo.gl/GdC8ba):
- $1.1-billion, the cost of Liberal gas plant scandal and cover up after plants cancelled to save Liberal seats - criminal investigation underway;
- $1-billion spent by Ornge, as privatized air ambulance service splurges millions on CEO salaries and speed boats - criminal investigation underway;
- $2.5-billion spent on Pan AM Games, as CEOs fill their boots and security costs skyrocket amid questionable contracts - Auditor General investigating;
- $1.1-billion wasted on eHealth, as tax dollars blown on untendered contracts given to highly paid consultants – Auditor General report slams Liberals.
- $1.4-billion spent on Windsor Parkway, as Liberals fail to act on known safety flaws with more than 500 girders - Confidential documents reveal mismanagement.
4 times the Liberals voted against change that makes sense:
- Capping Top Public Sector Salaries Act, Bill 136, a proposal by Andrea Horwath to cap rapidly growing public sector salaries;
- Protecting mining jobs, Mining Amendment Act, Bill 43, a proposal by Michael Mantha to protect Ontario mining jobs;
- Clean trains now, Bill 84, Metrolinx Amendment Act, a bill proposed by Jonah Schein to electrify the Metrolinx rail line;
- Respect for Municipalities Act, Bill 20, a bill proposed by Rosario Marchese to return the power over developments to municipal decision-makers.
1 leader who will deliver change:
- Andrea Horwath will stand up for middle class families, create jobs, and make life more affordable by lowering your bills
SOURCE: New Democratic Party of Ontario

Media Contact: Alex Callahan, 416-591-5455 x2386
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