SASKATOON, SK, June 28, 2024 /CNW/ - The federal and provincial governments are investing more than $309 million for infrastructure projects across Saskatchewan.
The City of Saskatoon is expanding their Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system. The two new lines will help Saskatoon Transit support the City's continued growth while making transit a more convenient for all. A fibre optic network will also improve the tracking and reporting of the bus routes making them more efficient.
SaskPower's Distributed Generation Enablement Project will result in new power lines and enable new generation projects, including wind and solar facilities, helping make low and non-carbon emitting power generation possible in the province.
A new water supply and treatment plant in the Town of Rosthern will include a back-up generator and water reservoir storage to support current drinking water needs while accommodating future growth. The project also includes a new communication system, upgrades to two existing well control buildings, and the demolition of the old water treatment plant.
More details about all the projects can be found in the accompanying backgrounder.
"The federal government is investing in projects that improve the connectivity, resiliency, and health of Saskatchewan communities. Investments like the one made today will support the continued housing growth of areas, making a brighter future for the province while protecting our local waterways and ecosystems."
The Honourable Dan Vandal, Minister of Northern Affairs, PrairiesCan and CanNor, on behalf of the Honourable Sean Fraser, Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities
"Improving infrastructure is critical to growing Saskatchewan cities, villages and towns. Our government is committed to improving our communities through investment and partnerships. Projects like the ones announced today are crucial to building and protecting a growing Saskatchewan. These important projects will benefit residents both today and into the future."
The Honourable Don McMorris, Saskatchewan's Minister of Government Relations
"As ridership continues to increase, it's important that we have a system that meets the needs and expectations of users. This announcement for the Red and Blue BRT line, along with last November's announcement for the Green BRT line, will allow Saskatoon to proceed with the Bus Rapid Transit project, fully funded. With three orders of government working in partnership, we will modernize and enhance our public transit system to move residents and visitors more efficiently and sustainably."
His Worship Charlie Clark, Mayor of Saskatoon
"This exciting improvement to our fresh-water infrastructure is crucial for our community's future. Increased and efficient production, treatment and storage capacity will enable the Town of Rosthern to accommodate current demand, future growth, and new servicing requirements which are presenting daily. We are delighted to have been selected for this project and look forward to project development and completion along with our Provincial and Federal partners."
His Worship Dennis Helmuth, Mayor, Town of Rosthern
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Backgrounder: Federal and provincial governments partner on infrastructure projects for Saskatchewan
Quick Facts
- The federal government is investing $165,576,603 through the Public Transit Infrastructure Stream, Green Infrastructure Stream, Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure Stream, and COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP). The Government of Saskatchewan is investing $144,271,991 and the recipients are contributing $63,416,052.
- Under the Investing in Canada Plan, the federal government is investing more than $180 billion over 12 years in public transit projects, green infrastructure, social infrastructure, trade and transportation routes, and Canada's rural and northern communities.
- On December 18, 2023, the federal government launched the Framework to Build a Green Prairie Economy, which highlights the need for a collaborative, region-specific approach to sustainability, focusing on strengthening the coordination of federal programs, and initiatives with significant investments. This Framework is a first step in a journey that will bring together multiple stakeholders. PrairiesCan, the federal department that diversifies the economy across the Canadian prairies, has dedicated $100 million over three years to support projects aligned with priority areas identified by Prairie stakeholders to build a stronger, more sustainable, and inclusive economy for the Prairie provinces and Canada.
- Infrastructure Canada is supporting the Framework to Build a Green Prairie Economy to encourage greater collaboration on investment opportunities, leverage additional funding, and attract new investments across the Prairies that better meet their needs.
- Federal funding is conditional on fulfilling all requirements related to consultation with Indigenous groups and environmental assessment obligations.
- Federal funding is conditional on all climate lens requirements being met.
Public Transit Infrastructure Stream (ICIP)
- This stream supports the building, expansion, and upgrading of urban and rural transit networks.
- Investments in public transit help Canadians get where they need to be, create new manufacturing and construction jobs, reduce pollution, and make life more affordable.
- Including today's announcement, six infrastructure projects under the Public Transit Infrastructure Stream have been announced in Saskatchewan, with a total federal contribution of $100 million and a total provincial contribution of more than $83.3 million.
Green Infrastructure Stream (ICIP)
- This stream helps build greener communities by contributing to climate change preparedness, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and supporting renewable technologies.
- Including today's announcement, over 220 infrastructure projects under the Green Infrastructure Stream have been announced in Saskatchewan, with a total federal contribution of more than $526.3 million and a total provincial contribution of more than $391 million.
Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure Stream (ICIP)
- This stream supports projects that increase access to more efficient and reliable energy sources, improve community infrastructure, and improve internet connectivity for rural and northern communities.
- Including today's announcement, over 120 infrastructure projects under the Rural and Northern Communities Infrastructure stream have been announced in Saskatchewan, with a total federal contribution of more than $111.2 million and a total provincial contribution of more than $104.1 million.
COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream (ICIP)
- This stream supports projects that address challenges faced by communities as a result of COVID-19, including retrofits, repairs and upgrades for municipal, territorial, provincial and Indigenous buildings, health infrastructure and schools, and more.
- Under the COVID-19 Resilience Stream, the federal cost share for public infrastructure projects is 80 per cent in the provinces, and 100 per cent in the territories and for projects intended for Indigenous communities.
- Including today's announcement, over 60 infrastructure projects under the COVID-19 Resilience Stream have been announced in Saskatchewan, with a total federal contribution of more than $37.2 million and a total provincial contribution of more than $577,000.
Associated Links
Investing in Canada: Canada's Long-Term Infrastructure Plan
Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program
Housing and Infrastructure Project Map
Canada's National Adaptation Strategy
Strengthened Climate Plan
Federal infrastructure investments in Saskatchewan
Building a Green Prairie Economy Act
Building a Green Prairie Economy
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Contacts : For more information (media only), please contact: Micaal Ahmed, Communications Manager, Office of the Minister of Housing, Infrastructure and Communities, 343-598-3920, [email protected]; Media Relations, Infrastructure Canada, 613-960-9251, Toll free: 1-877-250-7154, Email: [email protected]; Cory Kolt, Senior Communications Consultant, Government of Saskatchewan, 306-787-4161, [email protected]
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