VANCOUVER, Sept. 1 2018 /CNW/ - Five Dad bloggers from across British Columbia are heading out in to the relative wilds of Skagit Provincial Park, BC to combine a collaborative content-creation excursion with a mission to put bonding among fathers back on the priority list along with having fun and reconnecting with nature.
The Dads are; James Smith /, Stacey Robinsmith / A Dad in the Burbs, Stephen Fung, Michael Kwan / Beyond the Rhetoric, and Dale Allen Berg/ Parenting101.
"Since becoming a father, I haven't made any time for myself or to spend time with friends", says James aka "I wanted to organize a trip with some other dads in my area and the only ones I knew were fellow bloggers. Thanks to the incredible support from brands like Ford Canada, Sumac Wines, Altitude-Sports and Filson, we're able to get everything we need to prepare ourselves and head out into the great outdoors, even though it's a short trip."
The brands they reached out to recognised that these experiences are important to cultivate, as well as noticing that the Dads are a group of content-creators with engaged readers and social media audiences.
All five of the BC-based Dads met while in the Canadian Dad Bloggers Facebook group and even though the chat is often lively, they realised that it's no replacement for in-person interactions.
A longitudinal study from Harvard has revealed that the greatest predictor of overall health and happiness among men is friendship. "The surprising finding is that our relationships and how happy we are in our relationships has a powerful influence on our health," said Robert Waldinger, director of the study, a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. "Taking care of your body is important, but tending to your relationships is a form of self-care too. That, I think, is the revelation." - 'Good genes are nice, but joy is better', by Liz Mineo April 2017.
The dad blogger community, and the growing list of brands that support them, is about fostering this sense of connectedness and belonging while talking about the issues, passions, and interests that drive them.
"I used to love camping and the outdoors as a kid." says Stephen Fung, father of three, and a self professed gadget geek and city slicker. "I hope this experience will connect me back to my youth, and maybe, help me find a way to share these types of experiences with my own kids."
Dale Allen Berg is a stay-at-home Dad to three kids under the age of three, "I'm just super excited to spend a few days with other guys who get what I'm going through being a Dad."
"I like to think of myself as reasonably well-traveled," says Michael Kwan of Beyond the Rhetoric. "I've been everywhere from Beijing to the Bahamas, Amsterdam to Alice Springs, but I really haven't explored the incredible natural beauty of my own backyard right here in British Columbia. The #5DadsGoWild camping trip will not only give this city boy an opportunity to reconnect with nature, but also to bond with like-minded, progressive-thinking dad bloggers in a supportive environment."
The five Dads have never been in the same room as each other and for a couple of them, this will be the first time camping The group will be heading out into the wildness Sept 14 - 16.
Join their conversation by following their hashtag #5DadsGoWild on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and follow @JamesRCS, @MichaelKwan, @adadintheburbs, @stephenfung, and @parenting101ca.
Hi, I'm James and I'm a new Dad. I know nothing, apart from what I'm figuring out as I bumble along. I talk about my adventures through Dad-life via the blog, social, and on the SocialDad Podcast.
Feel free to get in touch via [email protected] or Tweet me – @JamesRCS.
Thanks to Cision for sponsoring this announcement.
SOURCE Social Dad

For further information: Press Contact for SocialDad: James Smith, Blogger, Social Media Specialist, and owner of, Email:[email protected]
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