LOS ANGELES, CA, Dec. 1, 2014 /CNW/ - This morning, wide-eyed and with a cup of Illy espresso in hand, Robert Brennan Hart, manic Canadian technology entrepreneur, announced the successor to the Canadian Cloud Council – Politik (www.politik.io). Politik is a global, evolution shifting technology media company headquartered in Los Angeles, California.
"The Canadian Cloud Council and Cloud Computing in general have reached the end of their hype cycle. I felt it was time to expand the scope of our dialogue and take it several thousand feet up the value chain", said Hart, Founder and CEO. "Technology has a hand in every critical issue facing society. Politik will confront these issues head-on through a gestalt of intersecting touchpoints – digital media, conferences, community and subculture."
Politik's first major event, and the sixth significant technology conference chaired by Hart – is a three-day atrocity exhibition called "Interzone" (www.interzone.io). Interzone takes place at the Fairmont Banff Springs from March 11 to 13, 2015. The conference features the best line-up of technology speakers ever staged in Canada including: Steve Wozniak, Co-Founder of Apple; Robert Herjavec, CEO of Herjavec Group and Star of ABC's "Shark Tank"; Bruce Croxon, Founder of Lavalife and Star of CBC's "Dragon's Den"; Christine Herron, Director of Intel Capital and Adam Messinger, CTO of Twitter.
Politik's first US event is scheduled in Los Angeles in Fall 2015 and will feature an opening keynote from Blake Irving, CEO of GoDaddy.
"Our 'Politikal correspondents' will challenge the mainstream with consistently explosive, unfiltered, confrontational and divisive dialogue," continued Hart. "Our children's future depends on all of us waging war against the old world of information technology – and winning."
In addition to Hart, Politik's founding team includes Sehra Bremner, former event director of VMware and Gartner; Richard Taylor, former executive with marketing agencies McCann Erickson and Gyro and Francois Bourdeau, formerly of Ideaca and Yardstick Software.
About Politik (www.politik.io):
Technology has a hand in every critical issue facing society. Politik confronts these issues head-on through a gestalt of touchpoints – digital media, conferences, community, subculture.
Some call our dialogue confrontational, divisive, even explosive. We call it necessary. The deranged experiments and near-riots we call 'events' attract an unprecedented cast of astonishing speakers. The collective of geniuses, innovators & lowlifes we call 'contributors' are willing to challenge the mainstream; to risk their lives in ensuring technology shuns totalitarian control and changes the course of our troubled evolution.
Mankind is heading into an era of singularity at breakneck speed. We invite you to embrace the Politik movement today; to unnerve; to unsettle; to unravel. Every little counts.
For press inquiries please contact: Robert Hart, CEO – [email protected]
Image with caption: "Politik (CNW Group/Politik)". Image available at: http://photos.newswire.ca/images/download/20141201_C6062_PHOTO_EN_8663.jpg
SOURCE: Politik
Politik, 8721 Santa Monica Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA, 90069-4507 USA, Tel: (323) 673-2500
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