TORONTO, Sept. 15, 2021 /CNW/ - FP Canada is pleased to announce that Cary List, CFP®, FP Canada™ Fellow, has been awarded the prestigious Donald J. Johnston Lifetime Achievement Award in Financial Planning. The award, named after the late Donald J. Johnston, FP Canada's first President & CEO, recognizes a lifetime of contribution to, and a lasting positive impact on financial planning in Canada.
Mr. List joins an elite group of only 10 individuals to win the award since its inception in 2006.
"It is difficult to overstate the impact Cary's vision and leadership have had on FP Canada and the evolution of the financial planning profession in Canada," said Martin Dupras, Pl. Fin., Chair of FP Canada Board of Directors. "The recognition that FP Canada receives today as the premier standards-setting body for professional financial planners and the recognition of the profession by lawmakers, regulators and society has much to do with Cary's foresight and passion for financial planning."
"It's a great honour to receive this award. Financial planning is a key determinant in the confidence and financial wellbeing of Canadians, and I'm humbled that FP Canada feels I've played a personal role in furthering professional financial planning in Canada," said Mr. List.
Mr. List retired from FP Canada as President & CEO earlier this year, after 15 years at the helm. Two of Mr. List's earliest achievements were the establishment of the first Financial Planning Practice Standards in Canada and the development and publication of a Competency Profile for financial planners, which formed the basis of the global competency profile for all Certified Financial Planner® professionals.
A few of Mr. List's other accomplishments during his tenure include:
- the establishment of Financial Planning Week in Canada
- the establishment of a formal partnership with the Québec institute of financial planning (IQPF), including a common set of ethical standards and competencies for financial planners
- the establishment of Qualified Associate Financial Planner™ certification, to raise the standard of financial planning in the retail market and make financial planning more accessible for all Canadians
As President & CEO, Mr. List led FP Canada's tremendous growth in size and stature, including the transition from Financial Planning Standards Council to FP Canada, the creation of the FP Canada Institute™, and the recent overhaul of the CFP certification and education program to make it more compelling and relevant to consumers' needs.
In conferring the Donald J. Johnston award, FP Canada recognized not only Mr. List's active leadership in advancing professional financial planning both in Canada and abroad, but also his volunteer work to improve Canadians' lives through stronger financial literacy. He served on the Ontario Securities Commission's Investor Advisory Panel in 2012 and 2013 and on the Government of Canada's inaugural Steering Committee for Financial Literacy from 2014 through 2016, and was Chair of the International Council for the Financial Planning Standards Board (FPSB) in 2018 and 2019.
Mr. List has also won numerous leadership awards throughout his career. He was named an FP Canada™ Fellow in 2011, received the Leadership Award from the Institute for Credentialing Excellence in 2018, and received a Fellowship (FCPA) in 2019 from CPA Ontario for his contribution to the accounting profession and the community. In 2016, Mr. List was also awarded an Honorary Bachelor of Commerce from George Brown College (the degree he introduced to the college more than 10 years earlier), for his contribution to the college and the community. Finally, Mr. List was named to Wealth Professional Magazine's Hot List as one of the 50 most influential leaders in the financial services industry for three consecutive years, in 2018, 2019 and 2020.
As part of the award recognition, FP Canada will make a $10,000 donation in Mr. List's name. Mr. List has selected Prosper Canada and The Daily Bread Food Bank as recipients of the donation.
About FP Canada
A national professional body working in the public interest, FP Canada is dedicated to championing better financial wellness for all Canadians by leading the advancement of professional financial planning in Canada. There are nearly 20,000 professional financial planners in Canada who, through CFP certification and QAFP certification, meet FP Canada's standards. Learn more at

For media inquiries, please contact: Satish Sarangarajan, FP Canada, [email protected], 416-953-1020
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